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Recent content by Matt Russell

  1. M

    Season Tickets 2024/25

    Poor choice of words maybe. When I've already done something and are then asked to do it as if I haven't (and when I know it would be simple to have a system in place that would avoid the needless ask) I'm annoyed/exasperated. You're above it all, so well done to you.
  2. M

    Season Tickets 2024/25

    Planned to annoy those who had already renewed?
  3. M


    You think that nothing goes on at the Cliff Hill on a Sunday?
  4. M

    Ethan Ampadu

  5. M

    OTR Ltd - Trust Vote

    It's worrying that attention to detail doesn't appear to be a strong suit.
  6. M

    Senior Reds

    Think he's taken the "p"
  7. M

    More changes to the FA Cup

    Probably not, but if it was to grow and include clubs further up the chain?
  8. M

    EFL Trophy 2023/24

    Meanwhile, back in the real world................ ECFC v Arsenal U21 : October 2023 : Attendance 3311
  9. M

    Season Tickets 2024/25

    Get your technophope dad to actually read the news story and he might be pleasantly surprised. He need never open a file with 23 different tickets.
  10. M

    Season Tickets 2024/25

    Book of tickets? What football season are you remembering?
  11. M

    October/March International break

    The changing face of football........indeed. Such a shame that the EFL appear not to recognise this and persist in League 1 fixtures being scheduled for International Break dates, which results in rearranged Tuesday night fixtures and uncertainty for all fans.
  12. M

    Former Players

    You rise to new heights..........not.
  13. M

    Former Players

    What a pathetic response. I always had you down as someone with something of a brain.
  14. M

    Former Players

    Clive Harrison is one member of the Club Board. He doesn't rule it, he's one of a number of fellow members. He would of course be able to resign if he felt strongly that the direction taken was not one he could support.
  15. M

    Final home fixture ECFC v OUFC - 12:30 kick off.

    You're right in that part of block L is sometimes released late, though this is only if the away club haven't asked for or if their travelling numbers are small. You'd probably expect Oxford fans might well have interest in this fixture, so I'd have thought release for the game is...