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Tisdale out now surely?


Active member
Sep 5, 2010
Supporting City 'til the end.
Well said .

The thing is we've had 5years of winning and we've all loved it, and we have got use to it.
this season it's not gone our way at all and we don't like it and some can't stomach it.

But don't throw in the towel
Is right. And exactly what I said when we left the OG after the BMuff game (iirc). We have had 5 years of continual success, and it's been great. But during that time we have also accumulated a fair few new supporters who have only seen a year or two, at most, of poor football, and then have enjoyed following five years of great times.

Of course we still have the hardcore oldies, who have seen the dark times for the last thirty + years, so *most of us tend not to panic in such a way with our current **** poor run, and have faith that man at helm currently is the one best equipped to turn it around. (NB I said most, not all)

Tis walking away would help nothing. I also don't think he's a quitter, and I just cannot see him saying 'f*ck it' I've had enough, the bottom 4 is not for me so I'm off... He'll see it through, whatever the outcome. Sacking would achieve nothing, except possibly speed up the decline even the further.

We were not offered 300k from BHA for Harley in January. Take a zero off and you get the correct figure. Plus the FACT that Harley didn't want to sign for BHA. (Or us)

Last I looked, we are not allowed to hold guns to players head and force them to move on somewhere they didn't to go (see Ben Watson and attempted loan offers) or sign contracts they don't want to. Swans offered us a compromise, Harley was happy to go, and Tis considered it worth keeping him.

Yanker Pete is again proving he knows eff all about modern football and showing himself to be slowly turning senile to the entire Exeweb world. Which is kinda sad, as he thinks he's being funny and clever.
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Very well known Exeweb poster
May 9, 2010
Touring Central Java...
Is right. And exactly what I said when we left the OG after the BMuff game (iirc). We have had 5 years of continual success, and it's been great. But during that time we have also accumulated a fair few new supporters who have only seen a year or two, at most, of poor football, and then have enjoyed following five years of great times.

Of course we still have the hardcore oldies, who have seen the dark times for the last thirty + years, so *most of us tend not to panic in such a way with our current **** poor run, and have faith that man at helm currently is the one best equipped to turn it around. (NB I said most, not all)

Tis walking away would help nothing. I also don't think he's a quitter, and I just cannot see him saying 'f*ck it' I've had enough, the bottom 4 is not for me so I'm off... He'll see it through, whatever the outcome. Sacking would achieve nothing, except possibly speed up the decline even the further.

We were not offered 300k from BHA for Harley in January. Take a zero off and you get the correct figure. Plus the FACT that Harley didn't want to sign for BHA. (Or us)

Last I looked, we are not allowed to hold guns to players head and force them to move on somewhere they didn't to go (see Ben Watson and attempted loan offers) or sign contracts they don't want to. Swans offered us a compromise, Harley was happy to go, and Tis considered it worth keeping him.

Yanker Pete is again proving he knows eff all about modern football and showing himself to be slowly turning senile to the entire Exeweb world. Which is kinda sad, as he thinks he's being funny and clever.
I think it's perfectly legitimate for Pete to ask the question. I'm sure fans of all the bottom of their league teams around the country are asking the same. My answer to the question is, wait until the end of the season, but Pete's thread has provoked the pro or anti debate, which seems fair enough to me. Disagree with his opinion you may, but respect his right to express it (sic)


Staff member
Apr 16, 2009
On hiatus.
... I also don't think he's a quitter, and I just cannot see him saying 'f*ck it' I've had enough ...
Exactly how I see it. He's here for the long term ...
Dec 6, 2009
East Sussex
Tisdale out or Tisdale in is a fair question to debate - and I remain in the " in " camp - but no goals in six away games is really ****-poor, whatever way anyone wants to look at it.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Aug 19, 2008
Stays absolutely, 100 % no room for debate.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Aug 19, 2008
Exactly how I see it. He's here for the long term ...
But it could be said he's been here for the long term already, as for him leaving us,It seems In the preparation and instigation of change everyone has their'triggers' winning promotions and getting into playoffs wern't pt's these events seemed enuf to keep him contented and in his own words not feeling the time was right to move, and he said that he supposed he will eventually move when he feels he has ' taken the club as far as he can,has he reached that point?, he's more and more having to rely on loan signings, in which he's not a great fan , the budgets increased by our prev man dir, which he put to v good use, has been cut, and with gates going the way they are could they be cut again.? has he reached the point where he can do no more ?maybe, who knows


Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
Avondale (Near Phoenix) Arizona, USA.
Exactly how I see it. Petes here for the long term ...
Why thank you Rae, thats quite touching, just when I was beginning to feel a bit victimised over a simple question.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 25, 2006
Not currently banned
Why thank you Rae, thats quite touching, just when I was beginning to feel a bit victimised over a simple question.
I can hear a very small violin playing just for you somewhere in the distance.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 16, 2005
Stays absolutely, 100 % no room for debate.
No room for debate?? FFS you're on a forum, what do you think it's for?


Well-known Exeweb poster
Mar 2, 2006
Finally people are getting on board!!! boot him out!!! shame its taken this long for people to see he's f*cked us up big time letting harley go for nothing and not offering cureton the wages he wanted. look at the crap he's brought in! coles isn't any good!!! he puts Artur in goal! and he's infatuated by getting players like yards who will always be fighting injury! Tis has had his day.
Umm If Cureton wanted to much money then we where right to say no we cant afford that. If we cant afford something then you dont have it it really is as simple as that. For us its about keeping the club on a steady term in order to survive any possible relelgation.

Harley at the time wanted to go to Swansea so therefore regardless of what Brighton offered at the time he wouldnt have joined them would he. Tisdale did the best deal he could do for the club at the time its very easy to look at Hindsight and say this that and the other isnt it but the facts where there Harley wanted to join Swansea at the time. It didnt work out which is a shame but thats life....

As for sacking Tisdale i dont agree with this at all personally. Imho we are not far away almost one good pass away from being a good side at this level and in his interview i think he has it spot on saying we are one step away but its the big step and most important step. Just remember our first season in lge 1 and how we turned it around when not alot of people on exeweb wouldve given us a chance. Ok that was then this is now but we have the squad imho

BUt then again alot of people on here wouldve have Tisdale sacked many times over the last 5 years... Its a sign of peoples attitudes these days.. I want it all now f*ck being reallistic, f*ck talking any sense its a i want it now or im gona throw my toys of pram etr.

This is part of the reason why so many people are in debt with credit cards because people who cant afford things they want have them anyways and f*ck being able to actually afford it etr
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