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Will Barrett - Trust Election Thread


New member
May 15, 2014
Thanks Will, some good comments there. One that particularly strikes a chord! If you're successful i'd certainly be interested in explaining my thoughts. For now though it's the thoughts of you and your fellow candidates that matter.
Thanks Bill. Brilliant to be able to chat to you and others on here, and do hope that we will get to meet in person in the future.

Red Bill

Active member
Dec 9, 2011
Several candidates have mentioned trying to increase engagement with fans/members and I have put questions relating to this to some of you based on statements made in your manifestos. But here’s some questions for you all.

Better member engagement is often talked about and disappointment often expressed at the lack of it. This is particularly true in relation to voting in Trust Board elections where turnout is frequently low. I believe if we as a Trust are serious about this we need to ensure we make it as easy as possible for people to engage and take part in the election process. Three years ago I was invited to participate in an election review panel and one of our recommendations to the Trust Board resulting from our review, was the introduction of an online voting facility. Our recommendations were sent to the board, who were I believe going to look further into this proposal, but I’m unaware of any progress having been made. This seems to me a very obvious and simple way to help increase engagement in elections. So my questions are:
  • Do you support this idea?
  • If elected would you try to work towards its introduction?
  • What other ways do you think members could be encouraged to take part in the election process?


Active member
Mar 10, 2019
Couldn't agree more... the growth of the JG over the past few years has played a really important role in engaging with children and their families, while also promoting our values as a community club, and, like yourself, I am also hopeful that this will also bode well for the future of our club and community.

In terms of building upon this, and believing in win-win scenarios, I would propose that we look at projected attendances and utilise some of that empty seating to provide direct opportunities for additional groups to come and experience the magic of the park with their friends and peers.

Through working with schools and youth groups in the local (and regional) community, I would hope that we could offer a full match day, that includes a stadium tour, a visit to the JG lounge, other entertaining (and dare I say educational) activities for pre-match and half-time, and, of course, the match itself.

As noted, the JG as well as the City Community Trust already do wonderful work in this area, and I would love to work with them (further) in order to identify and reach out to children and young people who may not be in to football, or their local club.

Building our fan base and providing that feeling that live local football in a proper stadium is more enjoyable and rewarding than other activities, or watching the PL or UCL on the TV, is so important on a number of levels, and I feel that this approach could be an initial step towards creating that connection, as part of a more broadly developed strategy.

I myself experienced that magic (although in less engaging terms) in the Old Grandstand as a nine year old, and have been hooked on football ever since!

I am also planning to produce a matchday feature for the Grecian next season that will involve the direct input of children in co-creating the content, but this itself is not dependent on me being voted onto the Trust board.

There is much, much, more to be said and explored in relation to this topic, and so I hope to be able to do just this and implement some very positive and well constructed plans with colleagues over the coming years.
So what about giving young girls the same dream and opportunities as young boys when they work hard and reach the first team.

Grecian Girls should matter as should the women's team.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Feb 11, 2005
In RaWZ we trust....Amen.
Hi, I'm a strong believer in increasing engagement with the youngest supporters, those in their formative years open to the 'magic' of it all, with the potential of gaining a fan for life.
In my opinion one of the most important areas for the club.


Active member
Apr 13, 2004
French Alps
Hi Will. First of all, thanks for standing – quite a commitment
Are there any circumstances in which you would agree for the Trust to sell or cede its stake in the ownership of Exeter City – a “yes” or “no” answer please, followed by any explanation you may wish to give to explain your answer.


Oct 23, 2019
This years Trust competitive Election unfortunately aligned to the 3 year tenure this highly competitive year will be followed by a semi competitive year to no election uncontested.

Would you consider re-standing next year or like Trustee Peter Holding standing on a bi-yearly so standing every two years not three.

He won re-election 3 years ago then stood last year so will be re-standing next year, would you as a candidate be willing to stand down after one or two year and let the membership re-vote for you on for your achievements.


Robyn Goodall


Oct 23, 2019
Have you ever sent a letter or email to the press like the Express & Echo, Southwest Sunday Independent or the Western Morning News or any other printed press regarding ECFC or The Trust from looking you up online your happy to comment on the Internet about The Trust & ECFC but have you ever given your views to an audience outside of Facebook Twitter so on, and have your views in print for all to see in the real world.
If so what did you get printed if not why not.


Robyn Goodall


Oct 20, 2019
Will apologies for sneaking onto your thread. Just wanted to say thank you for the thumbs up on the Trust Youth Alliance Cup idea to engage younger people. Whatever happens lets work on that idea and make it happen! Appreciate that!


New member
May 15, 2014
Will apologies for sneaking onto your thread. Just wanted to say thank you for the thumbs up on the Trust Youth Alliance Cup idea to engage younger people. Whatever happens lets work on that idea and make it happen! Appreciate that!
No worries, Al. Massive advocate for working together (that's surely what the Trust should be all about) and always glad to see and acknowledge good ideas. You're welcome in this thread any time, and yes, whatever happens, I think this is an initiative well with pursuing!


New member
May 15, 2014
Several candidates have mentioned trying to increase engagement with fans/members and I have put questions relating to this to some of you based on statements made in your manifestos. But here’s some questions for you all.

Better member engagement is often talked about and disappointment often expressed at the lack of it. This is particularly true in relation to voting in Trust Board elections where turnout is frequently low. I believe if we as a Trust are serious about this we need to ensure we make it as easy as possible for people to engage and take part in the election process. Three years ago I was invited to participate in an election review panel and one of our recommendations to the Trust Board resulting from our review, was the introduction of an online voting facility. Our recommendations were sent to the board, who were I believe going to look further into this proposal, but I’m unaware of any progress having been made. This seems to me a very obvious and simple way to help increase engagement in elections. So my questions are:
  • Do you support this idea?
  • If elected would you try to work towards its introduction?
  • What other ways do you think members could be encouraged to take part in the election process?
Yes, I absolutely support this idea, so would certainly work towards its introduction. With the election process, I feel that more should be done in the build up to reiterate or redefine what the Trust is and why the election is important. I also think that the campaign could well be longer, allowing both candidates and the membership to engage with one another... Having now experienced this process for a short time, I can only see this having positive benefits. Looking at mechanisms on voters behaviour, awareness and pride are two of the more positive factors, so if we can increase awareness, and make people proud of the Trust and club, then I hope that these factors will increase participant numbers, alongside a voting mechanism more suited to the busy world that we live in.