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Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

Aug 8, 2014
I am a first time poster (now 2nd time) as FORC (Friend Of Roger Conway) and I have been astounded by the lack of respect and courtesy for all viewpoints being "allowed" without cyber-bullying, offensive (swearing), and discriminatory responses.

I came in to defend a good friend in the face of a cascade of hostile, dismissive and inaccurate posts that failed to strike any balance at all, as he has given ECFC six years of significant time and work (and Yes I know he isn't the only one).

Some (but not all) EXEWEB regulars have formed a virtual "gang" who basically band together and cyber bully anyone that they disagree with.

This not only discourages a diverse community on EXEWEB but, even though not officially connected, does not reflect well on the Trust (with all that name implies in terms of community values) or ECFC itself.

Sexton Blake: Agree 100% with both TBT and Loyalgrecian and frankly this thread is becoming entirely and dangerously out of hand. I am left wondering just what RC has done that has engendered the need for various contributors to write with such venom and bile.

EXEWEB has clear posting guidelines: http://www.exeweb.com/forums/announcement.php?f=17

This what is says on discrimination:

Discriminatory statements of any kind are punishable by infraction points, temporary and permanent bans. If you think something is discriminatory - don’t post it. Not only could you lose your rights to posting on Exeweb but you may well be breaking the law.

Discrimination covers but is not limited to the following:
Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Xenophobia and Ageism

Yet here are some clearly discriminatory posts:

Quote Originally Posted by Truthbetold View Post

I was copied a circulation to 28 MM friends of Roger's wherein he apologised to them for the potential of unpleasantness from Rapscallion and his barmy army, who were proposing some disruption even though they didn't know that he rarely goes to the Thursday evening sessions because of travelling distances.


What an unsavoury bunch some subscribers have turned out to be.

Mackster: Not sorry to have spoiled your evening mischievous person from Lympstone."

Honestly, I'd rather open a Gay Bar in Mosul than attend.

If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.

That's why people with no sense of humour have an increased sense of self-importance


Quote Originally Posted by AlanDevlin View Post

With a little knowledge of the Morris scene from relatives who are involved in such things, wondering why RC - who it appears from his FOI requests is a Taunton area resident - needs to go to Lympstone when there are at least two troupes/bands/rings of Morris Men in and around Taunton - Have they regurgitated him as well?

contrabombarde: Off topic but we need a short break.... Why do Morris dancers wear bells?......So they can annoy blind people as well.


We also have the co-owner of the web site issuing posts - should EXEWEB owners or web masters or moderators or administrators be posting as users - as potential for conflicts of interest & bias - is that like the Referee playing the ball?:

Hants Red: Re: Should Roger Conway have got a Yellow Card and finished his tenure in October?

My name is Paul. I'm a co-owner of this website, one that I'm quite proud of with users who make a real contribution to the Club in many different ways. Many of whom I consider to be friends and many more to be made friends with. I've had to read your insults directed at them, in defence of the indefensible. Why don't you tell us who you are, and what your profession is (was)?


EXEWEB says:

Bear in mind that exeweb.com has a broad spectrum of users and as such you should avoid using offensive language. Words deemed offensive will be altered by the message board software. Please don't try and get round the system by using alternative spellings as you will be just as likely to be punished.

People make posts with serious swear words obvious despite the odd * or two chicked in ?

Edward (self-identified in posts as Simon Lomax of Kensa with slightest research): Re: Should Roger Conway have got a Yellow Card and finished his tenure in October?

Am I the only one thinking that FORC will never ever accept what is blindingly obvious to everybody else? Quite happy to get a few infraction points here (would be a new experience, is there a right of appeal?) but, in mitigation, I would suggest there has been considerable provocation from a complete p***k.


What does EXEWEB say about inciting people to disturb the peace or worse:

External monitoring of the website
Police have been known to monitor this website in the past and Exeweb will co-operate with investigations where appropriate. This could include passing user details to investigating officers where a reasonable case is presented that a crime has been committed or the user has broken the law.

Yet a poster made implied threats to Roger Conway and a poster "loyalgrecian" that they would attend a Morris Men event at Lympstone to "barrack" or worse - Nothing was done by EXEWEB to moderate despite this post & others like it:

Truthbetold: That the thread should now include The Rapscallion's invitation to ruin Roger's life outside of ECFC, and that of his MM friends, is inflammatory and the exeweb management should have prevented publishing details of this worrying turn of events. This could change from a civil to a criminal matter if unchecked. In any event it is disgraceful.


Would you let young fans (< 16) view this supposedly community web site?

Otherwise, we have ZERO TOLERANCE for bad behaviour within the SJP ground but excessive tolerance for virtual bad behaviour outside of the ground here on EXEWEB.

Come on EXEWEB - These are your rules for civil discourse, respectful conversations (even if views differ) and posts free from discrimination, threats and sw**ring - So please start enforcing them!


Active member
Oct 27, 2013
Feeling wonderful
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

I have a feeling you will be banned in the very near future, you have (and may have above but i cant be arsed to read the ****e you post anymore) threatened legal action against this site,

You have yet to name yourself aswell, you sir are a troll, the sooner you have gone the better

With Love Phil

MD of MMS, VAG Specialist


Active member
Oct 27, 2013
Feeling wonderful
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

And one last thing if you have a surf protector on your wifi (which all parents should have imho) then you cant view this web page due to content


Staff member
May 27, 2007
League 1
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

Drafting a new front page article, it's working title is

"Friends of Former Exeter Club Secretary Aim to Silence Critical City Fans". I'm sure our 68,000 users will enjoy it!


Active member
May 3, 2004
The land of crushed hope
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

Whilst I also deplore the personalisation and abuse shown here (indeed, it seems to be the only real motivation for some people), surely you must appreciate that one requires a pretty thick skin to participate in a chatboard like this, where reasoned debate is something of a rarity and few let facts get in the way of a good opinion.

I appreciate you are upset about what you see as unjust criticism of a friend and any observer would agree that the standards which are meant to be upheld here often aren't.

However, surely the sensible thing to do if your sensibilities are offended by what you see before you is to stop looking?


Staff member
Apr 16, 2009
On hiatus.
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

I'm afraid it looks very much like, having overwhelmingly lost your argument, you're now trying to cobble together a mountain out of nothing. Whenever posts get out of hand then the Mods step in. On the rare occasion proper cyber bullying has been evident, those concerned have had bans of varying length.
Jokes about Morris Dancing are as old as, erm, Morris Dancing.
Tell you what, it's lucky Mr Conway isn't one of them there transgendered things otherwise I'd bet he'd suffer proper bullying on a football supporters forum.
Oh hang on a minute ...

Miss Rae Kelcou.
Openly transgendered on Exeweb without any hassle since April 2009 - including Banter Base ...


Staff member
Jul 16, 2004
Singing in the rain...
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

FORC, the owners of this website (including myself) are ECFC fans first and foremost, and have done a lot to help the club.

I personally have been a fan for 17 years, am a born and bred Exonian and have volunteered for the club for the last 8 years playing the role of Grecian the Lion.

There's no "conflict of interest" - we provide a service for ECFC fans to share their views, and we feel as owners we should be entitled to share our views too.

In my opinion, I believe you're trying every trick in the book to bring this site down, and we don't take very kindly to that. As for the swearing, we have a filter in place so any words that "slip the net" so to speak will be added accordingly.

Just for the record, if you threaten this site with legal action, you lose your right to post and are banned permanently. You have done RC no favours at all with what you've been posting, and if I was in his shoes I'd be utterly mortified.

RC should be able to fight his own battles. You, LG and TBT have made the matter 10 times worse.
Aug 8, 2014
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

Drafting a new front page article, it's working title is

"Friends of Former Exeter Club Secretary Aim to Silence Critical City Fans". I'm sure our 68,000 users will enjoy it!
From original post above: "should EXEWEB owners or web masters or moderators or administrators be posting as users - as potential for conflicts of interest & bias - is that like the Referee playing the ball?"


Staff member
Jul 16, 2004
Singing in the rain...
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

Read my post above.
Aug 8, 2014
Re: Is EXEWEB upholding its own rules to avoid bullying, swearing & discrimination?

FORC, the owners of this website (including myself) are ECFC fans first and foremost, and have done a lot to help the club.

I personally have been a fan for 17 years, am a born and bred Exonian and have volunteered for the club for the last 8 years playing the role of Grecian the Lion.

There's no "conflict of interest" - we provide a service for ECFC fans to share their views, and we feel as owners we should be entitled to share our views too.

In my opinion, I believe you're trying every trick in the book to bring this site down, and we don't take very kindly to that. As for the swearing, we have a filter in place so any words that "slip the net" so to speak will be added accordingly.

Just for the record, if you threaten this site with legal action, you lose your right to post and are banned permanently. You have done RC no favours at all with what you've been posting, and if I was in his shoes I'd be utterly mortified.

RC should be able to fight his own battles. You, LG and TBT have made the matter 10 times worse.
From OP: "should EXEWEB owners or web masters or moderators or administrators be posting as users - as potential for conflicts of interest & bias - is that like the Referee playing the ball"

I have not threatened this web site with legal action, but I have warned a poster that the remarks were potentially libellous - apologies to RaeUK as "slander" is spoken word - I stand properly corrected on that one.

If EXEWEB owners wants to silence/censor me by banning me permanently then that is for EXEWEB to decide and act upon - a potentially newsworthy action (with an interest for various media wider than this forum).