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Football League Show?


Active member
Aug 27, 2008
Isle of ****e
Well actually yes there was, and we were mentioned on pottered history about 6 weeks ago.

They showed all our goals and even had a quick chat about us afterwards. What the f*ck do you want? With respect outside of Exeter fans who the f*ck wants to watch 20 mins of us? Why should we get more than the Championship clubs?
Go away Jay, the facts are there no other teams were playing in two leagues alot of information was missing it just was ignored as usual by the beeb simples. I dont want it every week i just want when City are the only team playing to have more time allocated especially when we beat a so called big team 5-1 ffs and why the f*ck not??????

andrew p long

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jan 6, 2006
Hagley, Stourbridge
'He's been around the block a bit' with reference to Cureton.
Great call Ian.... same idea but the word was 'journeyman'.


Active member
Mar 8, 2004
Flamin' snowballs; I actually agree with Jay. :S

The coverage last night was exactly what we merit, regardless of how many games were on or not.

As someone else mentioned, feature macthes are pre-planned and provisioned for well in advance I would assume, so the beeb would only had had the single-camera footage - which would have made a "feature" production shoddy and half-hearted to say the least. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but there is no way anyone could have known we would definately have been the only game from the bottom two teirs yesterday so there would have been little point gambling on coming down here unless they had pre-planned to anyway. If there is such a thing as a FLS stand-by game, it must be up in the middle of the country, surely?

Also, if, for example, Macclesfield had managed to put on a game against Port Vale or Bury as the only game in the bottom 2 tiers and turned them over by seven, would you have really cared about any significance? Or would you have just thought - good result for the Maccs, move on without a backward glance. Becuase I would suppose thats what 95% of the FLS viewership will have thought about our little escapade yesterday.

Whether we like it or not, we are still in the "smaller" group of fish in the football league pond, no matter what division we play in, who we beat, or what signifcance it has.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Feb 12, 2009
Regretably I also agree with GJ. We are Exeter City, hardly a side of NATIONAL interest, would someone in Gateshead be interested in our 5 goals - no. Yes I would have liked to have seen more but as Dobley puts it feature matches have to be planned and provided for in advance, otheriwse the production would appear shoddy and amateurish. Even on the day there was doubts as to whether the match was going to go ahead, so without the preplanning I wouldn't have expected more than we got. In hindsight we actually got more than we would normally have got, as had a full days fixture been played then we would have only seen probably three of our goals and the Wednesday goal so perhaps we ought to be thankful for small mercies.

This said no excuse for their analysors - both sh*te whoever they use. (mind you they (and their researchers) have to have some awareness of facts about 72 clubs where the two analysors (and researchers) on MOTD only have to be aware of 20 clubs).


Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
Avondale (Near Phoenix) Arizona, USA.
I do wonder about Claridge in particular, as to how he has such vast knowledge of every club and most of the players in the football league. I do like Rosenior better but not by much. Our only advantage with him is that he has a certain amount of knowledge about west country clubs, which Claridge doesnt.

Personally I could do without both of them, and the whole 'Lizzie' fiasco. If she reads more than a dozen or so e-mails on that show out of the many hundreds that must get sent in, I'll eat my hat! Total waste of time, and what about her hair?


May 9, 2008
A debate about the presenter's hair - now we're talking! Short or long, highlights, bob-weave or corn plaits? Oh, and what do you call a row of men waiting for a haircut? A barbecue!


Active member
Aug 27, 2008
Isle of ****e
Hmmm let me rephrase it a bit better Sheff Wed were a championship side and are big enough for the beeb to be interested??? even if it was at little Exeter??? I dunno i give up can't wait until we get more respect from the media, rather than being labelled like a non league, yeovil non history club sort of a way.

David Treharne

Active member
Apr 1, 2004
Exeter, Devon
I do wonder about Claridge in particular, as to how he has such vast knowledge of every club and most of the players in the football league. I do like Rosenior better but not by much. Our only advantage with him is that he has a certain amount of knowledge about west country clubs, which Claridge doesnt.
Oh, but he does, Pete. If you read "Floodlit Dreams" by Ian Ridley you'd have an idea about the way that Claridge operates, and why he's building himself another career as a football pundit. Ridley has had a largely successful media career, and was convinced enough to head hunt Claridge as Manager of Weymouth, from whence he gained a great amount of knowledge about SW football, and he has some interesting things to say about, for example,Paul Buckle.
Claridge is personable and bright enough to differentiate between more general comments about the game, and those teams about whhich he has specific knowledge, and he does it very well, He also knows the right people inside the small world that is the British TV industry.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Oct 24, 2009
Hanging up the boots.
Go away Jay, the facts are there no other teams were playing in two leagues alot of information was missing it just was ignored as usual by the beeb simples. I dont want it every week i just want when City are the only team playing to have more time allocated especially when we beat a so called big team 5-1 ffs and why the f*ck not??????
Get that chip off your shoulder. Why the constant need for praise for City? We all know how f*cking good we are and that is what counts.

It is a highlights show, it had the highlights on. Get over it.


Active member
Oct 4, 2010
Living in the Land of Hope and Optimism.
Get that chip off your shoulder. Why the constant need for praise for City? We all know how f*cking good we are and that is what counts.

It is a highlights show, it had the highlights on. Get over it.
Last sentence is spot on! I enjoyed watching all the goals from a different angle from my seat in the OG. FFS, they apologised for being unable to show the build up for one of our goals.

Sadly, there are too many posters on Exeweb who can't resist making a mountain out of a molehill. Grow up FFS!