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English defence league.


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
on the Hoe
Scared of people like you ********, ignorance is a big threat and history has taught us that we must watch out when it comes to fascist parties during a depression.
i don't think we are back in the 30s.
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New member
Dec 22, 2010
Nope, we're not... Although there is a significant correlation between an economic downturn and votes for far right parties.

They probably thought the same in Weimar Germany too...

Disclaimer- no, I am not saying the edl will get into power. Purely stating a fact that they are a dangerous organisation that must not be ignored.


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
on the Hoe
Nope, we're not... Although there is a significant correlation between an economic downturn and votes for far right parties.

They probably thought the same in Weimar Germany too...

Disclaimer- no, I am not saying the edl will get into power. Purely stating a fact that they are a dangerous organisation that must not be ignored.
blowing up, planes ,train,buses,does tend to **** people off


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
Scared of people like you ********, ignorance is a big threat and history has taught us that we must watch out when it comes to fascist parties during a depression.
Shirley the most dangerous fascist movement in the world would be Islamic Fundamentalism ?

To try and adhere to the subject of the OP it would seem the idea of the EDL as a political party rather than a populist movement is more a product of the Daily Star's editorial team than anything substantive.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Oct 22, 2008
in yr internats
Shirley the most dangerous fascist movement in the world would be Islamic Fundamentalism?
In a way I actually agree with Poult. on this one bizarrely. Having worked around and about in some Islamic countries I have seen some examples of extremism in the flesh.

Generally it is the social liberties of their own people who are being infringed upon, most notably women. It's not fascist in the sense that the Nazi's were fascist but more militantly authoritarian.

While in S.A. a legal team in the city I was in were approaching doctors at the city hospital to try and find a way to have a local mans spine severed at the neck without killing him. he had been found guilty of paralysing another local man by hitting him in his car by accident, (it has to be said he was guilty of negligence while driving, but still this is a little OTT.) the victim requested that the full sentence be handed down (i.e. an eye-for-an-eye,) and the legal system duly obliged and consequently approached the hospital.

Now that isn't exactly fascism but it's not a healthy way of dealing with criminals, it certainly isn't what we would want happening in this country I think. However America has the death penalty for murder in some states which similarly sometimes equates to an eye-for-an-eye, (not often it has to be said but still does occur.) Are they also facist? To a degree I would argue yes they are. Similarly to a fascist state there is the negative social view of openly criticizing the government, something which is shared by both extremely Islamic countries, America and Nazi Germany.

Of course there are massive differences as well.

In Yeman for example, an extremist stronghold if ever there was one, (the MOST extreme even?) they don't round up Jewish people and put them in a gas chamber, I know this because one of my colleagues out there is a practising Jew, he obviously doesn't walk around trying to convert the locals but equally well he doesn't have to hide in his attic and write a diary about his persecution.

So the use of the term "fascism" is probably incorrect but his stance is understandable. Civil rights and liberties in some of these countries are appalling. Feminism is unheard of, women truly are treated as 2nd class citizens, chauvinism and physical domestic violence are rife and is frequently upheld by the state. However to say that Islamic extremists are threatening our country is preposterous. We have freedom of speech in this country (a much purer version than in the States as well!) so you are entitled to say what you believe however there are certain statements and beliefs that are simply wrong and not good for the populace of the country. Support for the EDL, NF and BNP falls under this category.


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
on the Hoe
. However to say that Islamic extremists are threatening our country is preposterous.

there are hundreds of potential 7/7 bombers in this country.get a grip will yeah


New member
Dec 22, 2010
This is partly the consequance of going to war, an illegal one at that.


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
on the Hoe
the cia drop the mujahideen in the sh*t when they stopped financing them in the late 70s,that sparked the hatred towards the yanks.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 27, 2007
Never done this before
They are scared of warrior princesses ?

Saved me the bother!

Red the Paper

Jun 9, 2006
This is partly the consequance of going to war, an illegal one at that.
How many wars have been legal? NONE you idiot.