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Was Norrie Stewart


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Zen city
To paraphrase LBJ, is it any wonder RW isn't so keen on opening up the tent flaps when you two are on the outside constantly ******* in?
I make that right, plus it is also a wonderful way to say it. Poult, the trouble is that you end up getting too aggressive with your language. Ask the questions by all means and follw up if you don't think an answer covers the issue, but perhaps without the aggro?
Just a thought


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
To paraphrase LBJ,

How appropriate, he would be the one that spent five years telling the American people that the war in Vietnam was all about saving the Vietnamese while contributions from the suppliers of the American war machine bought him re-election and a nice comfortable retirement.

I'm sure RW does think Norrie is the best CEO we have had, Bernard Frowd and Ian Huxham aint a lot to beat and Ivor's heart might have been in the right place but he was hardly a paragon of financial propriety and judgement.

RW's judgement of Suits is not in question here, merely his use of privileged and subjective information to score points over Malcolms for personal reasons. We are never gonna know how good Norrie is because we have no clue how bad things really were when he took over.

To paraphrase nobody in particular, if you leap out of the frying pan but land in the fire......blah blah blah !

If somebody gives me the hump Geoff they are going to know about it, whether in person or via the keyboard. We shall only know the answers to the questions when either the Suits have done a fair bit of tidying, or the Administrator is drawing 600 an hour, more even than Norrie I'll wager.

Pete Martin (CTID)

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Here and there
.......you end up getting too aggressive with your language.
Aggressive? I don't think so.

******** has always used "colourful" language and the more he gets a brickwall response, the more colourful the language frequently becomes. If you don't like it then maybe a football fans' forum is not the place for a sensitive soul like you?

I know exactly why ******** saw no benefit in going to the Fan's Forum at SJP - because he knew full well that he wouldn't get a straight answer. The pnly person who gave any was Tis. However Rightwing wants to dress it up and whatever financial remuneration and benefits he may or may not be receiving do not alter the fact that the guy was appointed with no clear information provided on what his brief is or what his targets are. You could argue that it's none of our feckin' business. That is not my view.

For me, his most significant moments so far have been stating, at the Trust AGM last October, that redevelopment plans for SJP were well advanced and an announcement would be made before Christmas (later reworked as "in three year's time" by our dynamic new Chairman) and his referring to Grecian the Lion as Lenny the Lion at the Fan's Forum. Top that off with the BoS making the decision to part(?) fund Norrie's appointment without any announcement or rationale, until it was dragged out of them. Other than that I have seen no tangible benefits despite RW's euphoria.

Is it any wonder that some of us are sceptical?


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 29, 2004
RW's judgement of Suits is not in question here.............We shall only know the answers to the questions when either the Suits have done a fair bit of tidying, or the Administrator is drawing 600 an hour
What do you mean by 'done a fair bit of tidying'?


Staff member
May 27, 2007
League 1
Is it any wonder that some of us are sceptical?
If we ever lose that (scepticism), then we deserve to lose our football club.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Zen city
******** has always used "colourful" language and the more he gets a brickwall response, the more colourful the language frequently becomes. If you don't like it then maybe a football fans' forum is not the place for a sensitive soul like you?
Now THAT is just a bit fekkin daft pete. I'm actually not the one who has decided to leave the forum because of the tone of language used towards him. I'm not sure anyway about your assertion that a football fans forum automatically means accepting abuse. Personally I don't give a sh*t if someone wants to jump on my back and and tell me im spouting smarmy bollox as i have no problem of telling them to f*ck off. I would imagine RW isn't the sort of person I am though.
Point is, we need to engage in this debate because these issues are important, but we cant do that if we start to bad mouth those who might be able to throw light on the subjects till the point where they decide to go. Self defeating really.

Pete Martin (CTID)

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Here and there
Fair argument there Geoff. We will have to agree to differ on the finer points of it. But.....

Self defeating really.
So is throwing your toys out of the pram and putting the shutters up as soon as you are strongly challenged about something. I don't think the retreat was as much to do with the language used as with the line of questioning.

Just a personal view, like. ;)


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
What do you mean by 'done a fair bit of tidying'?
What do you think ?

I could have it done in braille and shoved up..........nah, you know what I mean.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 6, 2004
Fair argument there Geoff. We will have to agree to differ on the finer points of it. But.....

So is throwing your toys out of the pram and putting the shutters up as soon as you are strongly challenged about something. I don't think the retreat was as much to do with the language used as with the line of questioning.

Just a personal view, like. ;)
I'm not sure I agree. There has been considerable debate in recent BoS meetings about communication and, more to the point, posting on ExeWeb. There are a number of BoS members who think we should be barred from posting here.

Adrian has always maintained that any such ban would be ridiculous and that these forums offer us one of the best means of communicating with Trust members. If he's now decided to take his leave of ExeWeb then I think you have to ask what's prompted him to do so and whether it serves anyone's interests.

I think ******** makes some very good points - as I'm sure does Adrian - and while I've long since given up being offended by his posts, I do think the vile and venom contained therein is sometimes, if not often, a little OTT.

I understand ******** occasionally speaks at some length with at least one other member of the BoS. He might like to correct me but I don't imagine for one minute he talks to those individuals in the manner he talks to those of us who attempt to raise our heads above the proverbial parapet and attempt to answer questions on here. If, as he suggests, his motivation is to serve the greater good then I think he'd do well not to discourage people of the calibre of Adrian Hitchcock from posting on these message boards.
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Very well known Exeweb poster
Jan 4, 2005
Just like the old days...
Oh for goodness sake RW, stop being so precious. Over the years you have had some great ideas but the reality is that we can't remember too many that have come to fruition (buy a player, sea of red and white walk etc) so it's hardly surprising that people are a bit cynical about things.

I particulalrly remember a thread where you remonstrated with Ant and told him his opinion wasn't valid because he wasn't a millionaire and you were! :D

I respect immensely people that put themselves up to be shot down, but when you posted an implied statement that Norrie was single handedly responsible for the massive increase in Tis's playing budget, I had to take issue.

Most posters on here with nounce know from other message boards that this year we benefitted hugely from Birmingham going back into the Prem at the first attempt and therefore the redistibution of the parachute payment was a godsend for us.

This year, the Barcodes and the Baggies imo are more likely to be responsible for the increase in Tis budget next season then any deals Norrie has put in place. Norrie is a big boy, he's up there to be questioned in the same way that any CEO of any organistion is, and I don't think it does him any favours by making him out to be a messiah.

I await the naughty boy gags.
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