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Was Norrie Stewart

David Treharne

Active member
Apr 1, 2004
Exeter, Devon
as for Bernie....I hope you are joking, I wouldn't have appointed him to head up the SJP Centre Spot Skittles League.
On the other hand the skittles players would have had very nice curtains on the windows by the side of the alley. Whenever I need to be reminded of the lunacy that occurred around that time I always look at the concurrent bill for £9000 for curtains in the SJC, and marvel at the placement of the downstairs bar, and the magnificnt 'wavy' bar upstairs........


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
It saddens me to see the constant negativity still aimed at Norrie. IMO he is the best Chief Exec that the Club has ever had.....and by a country mile.

I know of some of the deals that he has set up for next season. I suggest the doubters check the recorded turnover at the end of next season, and they might be pleasantly surprised.....where else do they think that the financing of Paul Tisdale's vastly improved budget will come from?
You don't get it do you RW ?

It isn't Norrie that we have a problem with, we don't know who he is or what he does, it is this kind of post from you and the rest of your little gang that wrankles.

Stop trying to ram turnover down our throats, any idiot can create turnover, and in the case of Exeter City I would suggest that the greater part of any increase in T/O is wholly attributable to the success on the pitch, unfortunately even the dodgy accounts you are prepared to let us have a look at show we are not close to making a "Profit", i.e. We are in fact consistently losing money.

So quit the crap, either tell us it all in detail, or keep your smarmy point scoring b*ll*cks to yourself.

Red the Paper

Jun 9, 2006
You don't get it do you RW ?

It isn't Norrie that we have a problem with, we don't know who he is or what he does, it is this kind of post from you and the rest of your little gang that wrankles.

Stop trying to ram turnover down our throats, any idiot can create turnover, and in the case of Exeter City I would suggest that the greater part of any increase in T/O is wholly attributable to the success on the pitch, unfortunately even the dodgy accounts you are prepared to let us have a look at show we are not close to making a "Profit", i.e. We are in fact consistently losing money.

So quit the crap, either tell us it all in detail, or keep your smarmy point scoring b*ll*cks to yourself.
I concur totally with this view


Well-known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
You don't get it do you RW ?

It isn't Norrie that we have a problem with, we don't know who he is or what he does, it is this kind of post from you and the rest of your little gang that wrankles.

Stop trying to ram turnover down our throats, any idiot can create turnover, and in the case of Exeter City I would suggest that the greater part of any increase in T/O is wholly attributable to the success on the pitch, unfortunately even the dodgy accounts you are prepared to let us have a look at show we are not close to making a "Profit", i.e. We are in fact consistently losing money.

So quit the crap, either tell us it all in detail, or keep your smarmy point scoring b*ll*cks to yourself.
Fine, I've just made my last post on Exeweb.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 16, 2005
Fine, I've just made my last post on Exeweb.
Picks up ball and flounces off......


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
Ooo arrr Exeterrr
This is just getting stupid now...

RW, I hope you don't desert exeweb - I doubt you will, so many of us have said it but never followed through!

What gets me is the assumptions that people make on this forum. How much Norrie is paid, where he travels from, which Tisdale hat he prefers etc. How much of this is evidence, and how much is something one person speculated on, which has been picked up and used as fact? I honestly can't tell anymore.

Neither RW or ********/Malcolms help themselves in this debate. P/M* seem to have chips on their shoulders and naturally RW will be wary of what he says.

RW - I think it should be understood that many Exeter fans are wary of people in charge of the club (for very obvious reasons) and that, when it seems like all we are told is one-liners, people get agitated. Is there reasons why we cannot be party to information about future development of the club? If so, what are these reasons? I think it's fair - and would be helpful - to know this.

If we need to contact the club directly, what is the best way to do that? Email, phone, letter?

*Can someone with a name beginning with 'T' join in with this? I have an idea for a witty acronym.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
Fine, I've just made my last post on Exeweb.
A shame, for a long time you were the man with all the right questions, then for some reason you became the man with none of the right answers.

I am such a good excuse for you boys, you post some totally unsubstantiable nonsense, get the response it deserves, then you flounce off blaming that ******** ********, but the questions still remain as to how we are ever going to know what is going on if the BoS won't answer the simplest questions yet feels free to make assertions without ever justifying them.

Your response to Malcolms was typical of what he gets for having an opinion, except in your case you have used a privileged position to make assertions which none of us will ever be able to deny, simply to score points in what seems to be a personal issue, with power comes responsibility, none of you BoS types seem able to honour your responsibilities to the whole membership but still want to shove your access to privileged information in the faces of those you should be trying to positively engage with. It is both a shame and and a missed opportunity.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
What gets me is the assumptions that people make on this forum.
Unfortunately that is the point, assumptions are all we are left with, there is no real information.

Believe me I am as bored of this b*ll*cks as anybody, I would much prefer to argue with Credy and AU about the relative benefits of width, but this sh*t is important, the Suit count is expanding and their mantra is the increasing turnover, I have seen expansion as the justification for increasing costs so many times, only to watch as things end in tears. Ask yourself again, why does a piddly little business like Exeter City need the services of a "forensic accountant" ? FOC or not.


Active member
Jan 10, 2005
Ooo arrr Exeterrr
Unfortunately that is the point, assumptions are all we are left with, there is no real information.

Believe me I am as bored of this b*ll*cks as anybody, I would much prefer to argue with Credy and AU about the relative benefits of width, but this sh*t is important, the Suit count is expanding and their mantra is the increasing turnover, I have seen expansion as the justification for increasing costs so many times, only to watch as things end in tears. Ask yourself again, why does a piddly little business like Exeter City need the services of a "forensic accountant" ? FOC or not.
Whilst I tend to disagree with most of the things you write, I find myself agreeing with your last two posts.

What disappoints me, however, is that people like you did not go to the Fans' Forum (as far as I'm aware?) as you do have many valid questions to ask. Unfortunately on here these people seem like 'keyboard warriors'.

Serious question - have you tried getting answers through somewhere other that exeweb?


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 29, 2004
You're right, it is really.

To paraphrase LBJ, is it any wonder RW isn't so keen on opening up the tent flaps when you two are on the outside constantly ******* in?

What possible motive could RW have for typing bold statements like 'Best CEO ever by some distance' and 'difficult act to follow' on this forum if he really didn't believe it?

Anyhow, the impending 'deals' are probably sensitive information.. :D
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