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Yasmin Western- Trust Election Thread


Very well known Exeweb poster
May 5, 2009
Avoiding the Hundred
I think I may have not phrased my response in the way I wanted.

When I mean the current model is unsustainable, I mean that for the long term, it concerns me that we may still be relying on big sales in 20 years time to keep us afloat. While there have been bumps in the road during trust ownership, if we do not make a big sale for another 5 years for whatever reason our financial situation would be vastly different to what it is now. Thats what I mean by unsustainable, if we do not make big sales, we do not stay competitive. That is unsustainable for the long term, in my view.
Yes. That is was what I thought you meant to say. (y)


Active member
Apr 13, 2004
French Alps
Eurogrecian, thank you for your question, this is quite a complex one.

I think unfortunately its very difficult to say a simple yes or no answer. I hold the Trust model very dearly, its something that gives our club character and makes us what we are. But, does it hold us back? The current model unfortunately does rest on us making big sales of academy players in order to keep us competitive in terms of cash flow to develop. This definitely limits us, and isn't currently sustainable. I think were the situation right, and the person/organisation in question were deemed seriously committed to this club and were seen by the board, the Trustees and the members of the Trust to be a viable option, then I may be swayed to look at the stake that the Trust has in the ownership of the Club. But believe me, this would not be a decision that would be taken lightly on my part.
Thanks Yas. I'll take that as a "Yes" then.
Interesting that you think that the way the Club is run at present is unsustainable.
Good luck with the election - great to see young people going for roles of responsibility


Oct 23, 2019
Thank you for another question Robyn,

I have never reached out to any of the local newspapers or other sources other than social media to express views about ECFC, I have got the details of a number of news outlets and other organisations in the run up to the election if I felt the desire to share my views in that way. I have never in the past just because that is not where I consume ECFC content from. I very rarely read the local newspapers and mainly get my ECFC content on these platforms. Would I rule it out? Of course not, but I just haven't really had the desire to do so yet, but that may change soon. I had never even posted on Exeweb before I stood for election.

Do you think it would be helpful to make yourself available to the printed press, say a letter in the E&E or others about a young lady standing in a football club election voted by 3000 plus this will be of interest to more then just ECFC fans, you should be looking at more then just a online community of Exeter fans.

Everyone in the Greater Exeter Area and in the world of football should be made aware of the Trust Elections and how women of all ages can be involved.


New member
Oct 17, 2019
Do you think it would be helpful to make yourself available to the printed press, say a letter in the E&E or others about a young lady standing in a football club election voted by 3000 plus this will be of interest to more then just ECFC fans, you should be looking at more then just a online community of Exeter fans.

Everyone in the Greater Exeter Area and in the world of football should be made aware of the Trust Elections and how women of all ages can be involved.
It is something I have thought about and as I did say I have the details if I wished to do so down the line. For me it would definitely be something I would look at publishing after the fact (i.e. if I was elected or not) as I feel I would have more to say/more to write about. It is something I have thought about and considered, but its not something I see myself doing right now, as I don't think the whole story has been played out yet.


Oct 23, 2019
With the big Devon Derby on Saturday what is your view of Plymouth fans in the home sections of the ground, should they be removed from the ground and taken of the Club Trust date base or just let them keep buying tickets for the home ends stopping real Exeter fans from enjoy the event.


Oct 23, 2019
What do you think has changed in The Trust DNA for members standing to be from a Generation of under 30’s where historically it’s been the over 50’s as the main candidates


Oct 23, 2019
As a young lady going forward at Uni and a fan you stand out as your the only woman standing, if your elected or not there will be females at the City needing you to keep focused on the future.

With this years Trust elections being of a very high quality of candidates if you were unfortunately one of the 3 not to get elected would you re-stand next year, We would definitely like to see anyone of the 8 on the Trust Board and would definitely get extra votes next year if they had to re-stand.

Thank you for standing please don’t be disheartened if you don’t make it this year, the Trust model only works if we get nominations of candidates with skills to take the opportunity of today forward for the next generation.


Oct 23, 2019
Will you be doing a candidate flyers like one I have seen on Saturday found it very interesting and helpful



New member
Oct 17, 2019
With the big Devon Derby on Saturday what is your view of Plymouth fans in the home sections of the ground, should they be removed from the ground and taken of the Club Trust date base or just let them keep buying tickets for the home ends stopping real Exeter fans from enjoy the event.
Obviously football is segregated for a reason, while its sad that it has to be so those are the rules. In terms of someones dedication to come to another fixture at the park as a way to get on the ticketing system (in order to have community status you have to have previous ticket sales or be a member of the Trust) then if they're really willing to do that there isn't really anyway we can stop them. However, if there are complaints brought to the club about a particular Plymouth fan getting into the home end, the club has the ability to remove their status and place notes on their account.

What do you think has changed in The Trust DNA for members standing to be from a Generation of under 30’s where historically it’s been the over 50’s as the main candidates
I don't think there is anything that has necessarily changed in the Trust, but rather a desire amongst the young people that support this football club to want their voices to be heard at the top table. As I previously stated I nearly stood last year, but did not as I didn't believe someone like myself belonged on the Trust, however in hindsight, this is exactly why I needed to stand. It was also the results of the fan survey done last year that solidified why I needed to stand, with the large majority of supportership dropping off between 18-35 as people go away for Uni and work etc. This was important to me as I want to create ways that people can stay remotely engaged with the club.

As a young lady going forward at Uni and a fan you stand out as your the only woman standing, if your elected or not there will be females at the City needing you to keep focused on the future.

With this years Trust elections being of a very high quality of candidates if you were unfortunately one of the 3 not to get elected would you re-stand next year, We would definitely like to see anyone of the 8 on the Trust Board and would definitely get extra votes next year if they had to re-stand.

Thank you for standing please don’t be disheartened if you don’t make it this year, the Trust model only works if we get nominations of candidates with skills to take the opportunity of today forward for the next generation.
This year seemed pretty perfect for me to stand as I knew that I'd have a permanent three year base at Uni where I knew id be in close proximity to the club to be able to make meetings etc (I go to uni in Bath so its only a 1.5 hour train journey to and from Exeter or a 2 hour drive). Obviously I don't know what I'll be doing graduate job wise after I leave uni and want to make sure that I am completely dedicated to take up the commitments the Trustee role needs from me. The option to run if I do not get elected this time round will be one I take closer to the time, looking at my options etc.

I have always said that by running my sole objective is to not just get elected, but also to make a statement that shows that more young women should be taking up positions in the Trust, I hope that by me doing this, more young women will be confident enough to step up into a very heavily older male dominated environment.

Will you be doing a candidate flyers like one I have seen on Saturday found it very interesting and helpful
In terms of these, I had thought that I would do something like this, however while I was at the Plymouth home game this weekend gone I was working in the club shop and thus would have been unable to have done any handing out of the flyers and give full attention to my role in the shop. While I will also be returning for the Hustings, people will have the chance to speak to me further there and ask any questions they desire of me then.

In addition, the election rules state that we have to foot the bill of any canvassing materials we choose to make ourselves, being a student, I don't have masses of money in order to create these resources which has been another factor in my thinking of this.

My thinking on this would be that if I did decide this was something that I needed to do, I would probably make something like this online and share it online, that way it also reduces the waste associated with making hundreds of leaflets that most people will probably throw away, if/when I make this flyer and it gets approved by the Trust Secretary I will off course put it on here and my other social media platforms.

Thank you for all your questions


Jan 28, 2016
You say that if we don't continue to make sales then the club will be uncompetitive. Is this the same as unsustainable? As you also say without these sales the club will be unsustainable.

If the club continues to operate as it is WITHOUT player sales, is it self sufficient and able to function and survive at the level it's at the moment? If so then personally i don't see a problem with this. What i do see a problem with is over ambition and putting the club at risk in a vain quest to be 'competitive'.

Yes everyone wants progress on the pitch and success but if the level we are at without stretching ourselves financially is league 2 then that's what we have to accept as fans. Just my view. A an adept manager may come along who overachieves on the same budget and we get success that way.

If we happen to be in a position whereby we need player sales or cup runs just to stay alive then this is unsustainable and something needs to be done about this asap to rebalance the books. Is this the case do you know? Is this what you are saying as i am getting conflicting information from your post.

If we can survive and function as a club as we are without the player sales and cup runs then in actual fact this is surely the ideal scenario. Chucking money at trying to get into league 1 is pointless and risky. Gates won't increase that much apart from the bigger games like Ipswich / Sunderland etc because most of league 1 is filled with run of the mill sides just like us. Away followings to SJP also won't increase other than for the visits of the sides i've just mentioned.

Burton Albion showed that a club run sustainably and prudently over a long period of gradual growth can achieve Championship football without pumping in stacks of cash. It just takes a good manager, a good stable club and a bit of luck.