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Car Been Impounded

Phil Sayers

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 12, 2006
Kernow - battering a drunken Octopus
I recently got done in the Car Park just off Southernhay. Thankfully they didn't clamp me as there isn't much you can do but pay in those circumstances but I sent them the below letter in relation to their ticket. Initially I just ignored it but those bastards at the DVLA gave them my address. They haven't replied yet and I would urge anyone who does get a ticket to at least initially refuse to pay it. The legality of their penalties is questionable although unfortunately I can't say for certain that they aren't enforceable. What I would say is that they certainly won't want it tested in Court. If anyone else gets done please feel free to use / modify my letter.

"Thank you for your letter dated 21 December 2011. If I am honest it is not the best Christmas present I have ever received but I acknowledge receipt and now reply.

Turning to a few preliminary matters I accept that I was the driver of the vehicle and accept that my ticket did expire. I did not notice the parking charge signs at the time I parked my vehicle or paid but upon looking again concede that some signs are indeed at the car park.

However I wish to challenge the ticket on the follow grounds:

- The charge is grossly disproportionate. Having paid for what I believe (from memory) to be five hours to then be charged £100 for over-running by 15 minutes is frankly ridiculous.

- I deny absolutely that a binding contract incorporating that penalty clause existed. If it did exist then it is subject to a test of reasonableness under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. I would suggest that imposing such a punitive clause without any negotiation between business and consumer fails that test.

- It is further in breach of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.

- The amount of the charge is not a realistic assessment of your loss. It is therefore a penalty clause in law and irrecoverable. Your loss is at most an additional hour’s payment as the car park was not even full.

- Your ticket states it is an offence for any person other than the driver to remove it. As you are not a Local Authority perhaps you could refer me to the relevant legislation. If not please explain how you are not yourselves committing a criminal offence in breach of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 Section 40(d) by issuing a “document falsely represented by him to have some official character or purporting to have some official character which he knows it has not.”

I am therefore not willing to pay the amount unless you reply to me setting out the legal basis on which you say the sum is due. Upon receipt of such a letter I will consider the content and if I am satisfied will make full payment of the amount you say is due.

Please also provide copies of any judgements made which relate to the enforceability of your parking charges.

In the meantime please do not needlessly incur further costs by instructing a debt collection agency to process your alleged debt. I will not pay without being satisfied that it is lawfully due. If this matter ends up in Court proceedings and you seek to recover such costs as part of your loss I shall refer the Judge to my request here. On the assumption that CCSCollect are such an agency I have sent them a copy of this letter.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Phil Sayers"


Jan 13, 2010
Scoring offside goals for Exeweb
As many have already stated on this thread, premier parking solutions are the lowest of the low in my opinion. Calling them scum is unfair on the germs and grime that lingers in the drain from my outside toilet, as these guys are far and away more slimy than that. Bastards.

A google search of 'express and echo premier parking solutions' brings up a selection of articles about this wonderful company.


Oct 7, 2009
Anybody receiving a 'ticket' from this or any similar private (not council) company, is not obliged to pay it. Simple fact. They are claiming you have breached a civil agreement, and if ignored, they will send between 3-5 letters spaced over 2 months, and then nothing else happens.It makes no financial sense for them to take you to court, and they never do. As you have no 'credit' agreement with them, they cannot file your refusal to pay with any credit reference agency, so no harm can be done to anybodies credit rating.

They pay a small fee to get the registered keepers details from DVLA, and harrass you that way. All the experts on the forums, money saving expert etc will advice you to ignore them totally. IT WILL go away.

Unfortunately, if they have towed you, or clamped you, it becomes much more difficult obviously, and until the new law the govt are proposing becomes law, these thieves can do this, and you have no recourse. They will not refund you, ever, and you have no right of appeal other than to them. Don't waste the stamp.

It's an area of great interest of mine. Does anybody know the small Barclays branch on Marsh Barton? That was a favourite hunting ground of there's. The Barclays assigned parking spaces are few in number, and many, many people parked round the corner to use the cash machine. A nice young man in a white Peugeot van used to lie in wait. The second you parked, he blocked you in, and clamped. I witnessed this happen to a pregnant lady one day, and he wouldn't let her have her car back without paying the ludicrous 'fine' After joining in on her behalf and harranging him, I had an idea.

The next day I rolled up, Thermos and chair in hand and spoke to every driver entering the area, he earned nowt that day, and mooched away about 4.30. In the meantime, I contacted the chairman of the pension trust that is the freeholder of the land, and told him what was going on.

The result? Large bright yellow barrels, huge signs, and anybody now parking in the wrong place is either blind or daft.

I got tipped off on the day that they were doing the same at the Dr's in Heavitree. If you left to get a paper from the newsagent opposite, they clamped. Same guy, so I arranged a meeting with the senior partner of the Dr's, and thats another place they ain't clamping innocent people...

Another place to take great care with is the left hand turning immediately after St Thomas train station. They wait there as well...

I have never been clamped, but if I was, I would saw the clamp, and accept the fine for criminal damage before paying them. It would be less as well.

I hate them, I really do, injustice makes me sick..

Finally, while rambling, I did slightly embarrass my wife, we had a dinner party last year, a friend of hers came, bringing the new bloke. 'Hi, I say, what do you do?' 'I'm a wheel clamper' 'You'll be eating somebody else's food tonight rather than mine' I said

She has never forgiven me for that!
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Active member
Sep 29, 2004
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day...
Ideally these companies would be allowed to exist - people park like absolute tw*ts - but they're so incredibly extortionate that they've become a bigger problem than the people they clamp.

ME16 Grecian

Aug 3, 2011
Backing Tisdale from the Garden of England
Anybody receiving a 'ticket' from this or any similar private (not council) company, is not obliged to pay it. Simple fact. They are claiming you have breached a civil agreement, and if ignored, they will send between 3-5 letters spaced over 2 months, and then nothing else happens.It makes no financial sense for them to take you to court, and they never do. As you have no 'credit' agreement with them, they cannot file your refusal to pay with any credit reference agency, so no harm can be done to anybodies credit rating.

They pay a small fee to get the registered keepers details from DVLA, and harrass you that way. All the experts on the forums, money saving expert etc will advice you to ignore them totally. IT WILL go away.

Unfortunately, if they have towed you, or clamped you, it becomes much more difficult obviously, and until the new law the govt are proposing becomes law, these thieves can do this, and you have no recourse. They will not refund you, ever, and you have no right of appeal other than to them. Don't waste the stamp.

It's an area of great interest of mine. Does anybody know the small Barclays branch on Marsh Barton? That was a favourite hunting ground of there's. The Barclays assigned parking spaces are few in number, and many, many people parked round the corner to use the cash machine. A nice young man in a white Peugeot van used to lie in wait. The second you parked, he blocked you in, and clamped. I witnessed this happen to a pregnant lady one day, and he wouldn't let her have her car back without paying the ludicrous 'fine' After joining in on her behalf and harranging him, I had an idea.

The next day I rolled up, Thermos and chair in hand and spoke to every driver entering the area, he earned nowt that day, and mooched away about 4.30. In the meantime, I contacted the chairman of the pension trust that is the freeholder of the land, and told him what was going on.

The result? Large bright yellow barrels, huge signs, and anybody now parking in the wrong place is either blind or daft.

I got tipped off on the day that they were doing the same at the Dr's in Heavitree. If you left to get a paper from the newsagent opposite, they clamped. Same guy, so I arranged a meeting with the senior partner of the Dr's, and thats another place they ain't clamping innocent people...

Another place to take great care with is the left hand turning immediately after St Thomas train station. They wait there as well...

I have never been clamped, but if I was, I would saw the clamp, and accept the fine for criminal damage before paying them. It would be less as well.

I hate them, I really do, injustice makes me sick..

Finally, while rambling, I did slightly embarrass my wife, we had a dinner party last year, a friend of hers came, bringing the new bloke. 'Hi, I say, what do you do?' 'I'm a wheel clamper' 'You'll be eating somebody else's food tonight rather than mine' I said

She has never forgiven me for that!
Congratulations ony our sterling efforts, I for one applaud your actions and love the fact that someone is sticking up for the "little guy". Clamping and clamping legislation needs full and proper governance, untill that point these cowboy companies will continue to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals.


Oct 7, 2009
Ideally these companies would be allowed to exist - people park like absolute tw*ts - but they're so incredibly extortionate that they've become a bigger problem than the people they clamp.
No they wouldn't, in no other area of life are unlicensed thugs allowed to deny you your property (the very reason private clamping in banned in Scotland). Enforcement should be carried out by PCSO's, Police Officers, or trained and licenced council staff - only. No logical or reasoned argument exists to the contrary IMHO.


Active member
Sep 29, 2004
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day...
No they wouldn't, in no other area of life are unlicensed thugs allowed to deny you your property (the very reason private clamping in banned in Scotland). Enforcement should be carried out by PCSO's, Police Officers, or trained and licenced council staff - only. No logical or reasoned argument exists to the contrary IMHO.
The logical argument to the contrary is that the authorities won't deal with offences on private property. If they did, you'd be spot on.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Mar 2, 2006
No they wouldn't, in no other area of life are unlicensed thugs allowed to deny you your property (the very reason private clamping in banned in Scotland). Enforcement should be carried out by PCSO's, Police Officers, or trained and licenced council staff - only. No logical or reasoned argument exists to the contrary IMHO.
Completly agree. Outlaw this pratice.


Oct 7, 2009
The logical argument to the contrary is that the authorities won't deal with offences on private property. If they did, you'd be spot on.
Of course they will.....You park your car in a private cul-de-sac tonight blocking the entrance, and see what happens. When clamping is outlawed, most of these companies will close, as more and more people are realising that the 'fines' are useless bits of paper. Then it will be a simple job for the person who contracted the private company, to contact the local council, and ask them to enforce.

Whilst that won't run totally smoothly, offences will be enforced with a great deal more sense, at a lower price, and with a much better ideal of 'fairness' which is all anybody wants.

Even the most virilant anti-clampers such as I don't want to see totally unregulated parking, you are right in that some people park like idiots.

But people who scurry off to get change for the machine, or overhang the white like by 1", or are 30 seconds late back are not idiots.

And shouldn't be treated as such, or stolen from.


Active member
Sep 29, 2004
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day...
Of course they will.....You park your car in a private cul-de-sac tonight blocking the entrance, and see what happens. When clamping is outlawed, most of these companies will close, as more and more people are realising that the 'fines' are useless bits of paper. Then it will be a simple job for the person who contracted the private company, to contact the local council, and ask them to enforce.
No, they won't. They'll say it's a civil affair and you'll be SOL.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fully in agreement that these companies are scum and stated as such. I'm simply saying that it leaves a hole in current legislation.