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UK and European Politics 2024 Thread


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
The need for safe spaces for women is understandable. Its Ms Rowling's accompanying ideology that I don't get. She is the one embracing quasi-religious ideology - objectifying people by talking about absolute truths in relation to them is what the more doctrinaire religious movements do. If the Left were ever to deny the reality that identity is socially constructed it would no longer be the Left.
It's not ideology from JKR, She is only stating facts, The Cass report said that the Trans issue is being run by ideology and very little medical evidence, In fact Stonewall were given access to the patients at the Tavistock? Hospital when clearly they shouldn't of.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 23, 2004
To accuse a Vet of being a lying ‘Walt’, like Rambo here, is the ultimate insult. Mercer had better back it up, or he’s going to be toast !

View attachment 15785
Same goes for Freddy Boy too. Not the done thing to bull up your military service.


Active member
May 31, 2018
Hangingstone Hill
It's not ideology from JKR, She is only stating facts, The Cass report said that the Trans issue is being run by ideology and very little medical evidence, In fact Stonewall were given access to the patients at the Tavistock? Hospital when clearly they shouldn't of.
That may be true. But I do think there is an ideological element to what she says.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Jun 5, 2005
To accuse a Vet of being a lying ‘Walt’, like Rambo here, is the ultimate insult. Mercer had better back it up, or he’s going to be toast !
The one time I referenced my service on here I was called the same.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 29, 2004
Same goes for Freddy Boy too. Not the done thing to bull up your military service.
No idea what Fred said at the Hustings, so we don't know what buffing went on, but it's true that SF have to keep shtum about op details. For at least 30 years I believe. Difficult one for Fred - to defend himself against an accusation of lying and being unable to prove he wasn't.

For the electorate, including a significant Vet community, it'll come down to who is believed and how important this is in the wider picture.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 18, 2004
That may be true. But I do think there is an ideological element to what she says.
What is ideological about saying "I don't believe, as you do, that trans women are women"?

Is it ideological to say " I don't believe, as you do, that Jesus is the Son of God"?


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 23, 2004
No idea what Fred said at the Hustings, so we don't know what buffing went on, but it's true that SF have to keep shtum about op details. For at least 30 years I believe. Difficult one for Fred - to defend himself against an accusation of lying and being unable to prove he wasn't.

For the electorate, including a significant Vet community, it'll come down to who is believed and how important this is in the wider picture.
The trick I think is to not even mention your combat/war zone experience if it’s SF related, which is what this fella did in his Labour Party blurb.
From my limited knowledge of the military, its frowned upon to seek public acknowledgment of your SF activities.

Spoonz Red E

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 21, 2004
Comfortably mid-table
The trick I think is to not even mention your combat/war zone experience if it’s SF related, which is what this fella did in his Labour Party blurb.
From my limited knowledge of the military, its frowned upon to seek public acknowledgment of your SF activities.
Have you got a link to that blurb? Be good to see the detail juxtaposed against this from 2 days ago.

"Mr Thomas has never made any claims of serving in combat directly himself."


Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
The trick I think is to not even mention your combat/war zone experience if it’s SF related, which is what this fella did in his Labour Party blurb.
From my limited knowledge of the military, its frowned upon to seek public acknowledgment of your SF activities.
I'm always wary of ppl mentioning SF involvement. Met a few in my time.

It's a common path for fraudsters. Mention SF, tap nose, ask me no questions...etc. Not just SF, but also MI5, MI6, CIA, etc, etc.
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Active member
May 31, 2018
Hangingstone Hill

What is ideological about saying "I don't believe, as you do, that trans women are women"?

Is it ideological to say " I don't believe, as you do, that Jesus is the Son of God"?
Its interesting that in The Times piece you quoted Ms Rowling's opponents are ideological and yet she is not. This is a device to avoid challenge which I guess she is afraid of. If you have no ideology you cannot be challenged. I think there is a sense in which everything is ideological or to put it another way paradigm based.