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UK and European Politics 2024 Thread

Spoonz Red E

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 21, 2004
Comfortably mid-table
Parker has confirmed that he was not paid, acting is a sideline and he's actually a property director.

If he's being paid, he's being paid a lot as this is ruinous for him personally.

Meanwhile C4 explicitly state that Parker was not known to them (or paid by them).
This is the thing that gives me pause as regards the stitch up claim.
He's doubled down on these being his personal opinions.

There's a lot being pinned on his posh 'real' voice and the ruff 'actor's' voice.
My family on my mum's side were from the East End (Canning Town/Newham).
I know from experience that the posh voice could be the one that was being put on - in this case the guy was using it in his short clip touting for general acting work.
David Jason was aware of the comical side of that tendency - think Del Boy.

There's also an element of 'cry wolf' here as the 'fake news' label has been worked to death as a counter to potential embarrassment in recent times.

Bottom line is I couldn't say either way and, as with so much else, what is 'true' on social media seems to comes down to who you support.
Go on twitter and follow any event with political overtones and two opposing narratives get formed right from the off regardless of any provable facts.

Expect more of this accusal/denial stuff in the future.

With AI looming there will be both plausible fakes and the all encompassing 'I didn't say that- it's AI' excuse even if the footage is actually real.

Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
This is the thing that gives me pause as regards the stitch up claim.
He's doubled down on these being his personal opinions.

There's a lot being pinned on his posh 'real' voice and the ruff 'actor's' voice.
My family on my mum's side were from the East End (Canning Town/Newham).
I know from experience that the posh voice could be the one that was being put on - in this case the guy was using it in his short clip touting for general acting work.
David Jason was aware of the comical side of that tendency - think Del Boy.

There's also an element of 'cry wolf' here as the 'fake news' label has been worked to death as a counter to potential embarrassment in recent times.

Bottom line is I couldn't say either way and, as with so much else, what is 'true' on social media seems to comes down to who you support.
Go on twitter and follow any event with political overtones and two opposing narratives get formed right from the off regardless of any provable facts.

Expect more of this accusal/denial stuff in the future.

With AI looming there will be both plausible fakes and the all encompassing 'I didn't say that- it's AI' excuse even if the footage is actually real.
Well, you are true in lots of ways there.

At the end of the day, if there are two opposing narratives, people will just believe what they want to believe.

The vast majority will have made their minds up already as to which way they're going to vote and nothing will sway them now. I thought the Jo Cox murder handed the contest to Remain, but I was quite wrong. Most postal votes will have made their way to a nearby postbox before yesterday.

A large percentage of those that still say they really don't know who they're going to vote for...simply won't end up voting.
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Mid Devon Grecian

Active member
Sep 23, 2005
Strange how the memory of LD ministers and their work so quickly fades Al. 🙄
Of course Tavy, you obviously listened as intently as Al to the interview this evening 😂

Mid Devon Grecian

Active member
Sep 23, 2005
I am fully aware of his failures in public office
Of that I’m sure, no doubt based on your heightened observational and listening skills.

If Ed is guilty of anything it’s naivety and misplaced trust.

If you really put those acute skills to the test tonight you’d realise he’s very genuine, too genuine to be a leader of this hell hole of a country maybe?


Very well known Exeweb poster
May 5, 2009
Avoiding the Hundred
Of that I’m sure, no doubt based on your heightened observational and listening skills.

If Ed is guilty of anything it’s naivety and misplaced trust.

If you really put those acute skills to the test tonight you’d realise he’s very genuine, too genuine to be a leader of this hell hole of a country maybe?
He might well be genuine but Ed was lazy and incompetent in his handing of the Horizon issue.

He is not going to be the leader of the country which is just as well if he is naive as well as lazy and incompetent.

Is this country really a hell hole ? Plenty of folk wanting to come here.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 23, 2004
Of course Tavy, you obviously listened as intently as Al to the interview this evening 😂
As disingenuous interviews go I thought Mr Ed’s performance yesterday was right up there. I thought NR scuppered him big time on the LD habit of playing to the NIMBY crowd big time to gain and keep seats/councils in Tory areas whilst simultaneously trying to portray themselves at a national level as progressive when it comes to house building. It was a similar story I thought with their incoherent Brexit position.
They’re about to do very well next Thursday but it’s only because they exist as a useful safe vent for disaffected centrist Tories every 10-15 years.
BTW if the UK is a “hellhole’” it’ll be partly down to those whole host of LD Ministers who served with such gusto in the Cameron/Osborne ‘austerity’ Government 2010-15. 🤷‍♂️


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 23, 2004
Sometimes a smooth political operator can be reduced to a bloviating purveyor of word salad by an ordinary voter.
Well done Jane from London. 👏



Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 26, 2004
Sometimes a smooth political operator can be reduced to a bloviating purveyor of word salad by an ordinary voter.
Well done Jane from London. 👏

The lesser spotted high quality phone in caller is a beauty to behold.

Starmer's commitment to pleasing all of the people all of the time will always tie him up in knots. Hope he grows a pair (no trans joke intended) once elected.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Feb 11, 2005
In RaWZ we trust....Amen.
The lesser spotted high quality phone in caller is a beauty to behold.

Starmer's commitment to pleasing all of the people all of the time will always tie him up in knots. Hope he grows a pair (no trans joke intended) once elected.
Not heard that wonderful term ‘talking twaddle’
for years. 😁. Quite appropriate in that instance.

Great to hear a caller mention it. There should be a lot more times that term is used.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
Of that I’m sure, no doubt based on your heightened observational and listening skills.

If Ed is guilty of anything it’s naivety and misplaced trust.

If you really put those acute skills to the test tonight you’d realise he’s very genuine, too genuine to be a leader of this hell hole of a country maybe?
We have our problems here in the UK i'll grant you that but to call the UK a hell hole is extreme to say the least, Bad term to use imo.