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Tisdale wants noone to turn on the style

Giant Midget

Jan 21, 2009
Same sad old gits quick to take a pop at our current regime I see, the same regime that got us into League 1 :)

I am not saying that we have the perfect set up. However we are only 7 games into the current season, so IMO it is still too early to be pushing the panic button just yet.


Active member
Apr 2, 2004
Just as Flamengo scouts nip down to the beach and pick the best of the footballers, so we can take a stroll on the pebbles of Budleigh Salterton and come back with half a dozen talented teenagers. :)
You'll do well to find half a dozen teenagers in Budleigh, talented or otherwise!


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 2, 2004
I'd be more disappointed if our manager were to pick up and act on tips from fans of our club.
And you would kind of be right to, no manager could be running around every ground to look at every player us fans suggested, but what Malcolms is alluding to is the network.

Mike.B. Longe term fan and sage judge of a good'un passes the comment, the manager picks up on it but doesn't scamper 200 miles to Burscough, he rings a local guy who's judgement he does trust and asks him to have a butchers. Malcolm is suggesting the Tis doesn't have these kind of contacts, Luggy obviously does.

OK, so maybe I am a bit hard on Tis, but when you see your team crying out for a bit of width for so long and you watch as your manager signs one central midfielder after another, then you get the Toenailers going on about how we should all be so grateful to have him at all, I would ask whether we have done as much for Tis as he has for us ?

We have lost two of our better players this summer and father time seems to have strolled up behind Edwards, Russell and Stewart and tapped them on the shoulder, in response only Duffy of the new boys has really had a kick, no wonder we are struggling. Noone is the first sign that Tis actually thinks there might be problem because to my mind all he has really thought about all summer is bringing in Fleetwood. Dunne and Norwood may well be great prospects but we needed to start this season with a bang rather than a whimper.

Noone may well have had a decent debut but the goal was more by luck than judgement and it would be wrong to hang the saviour label around his neck based on 90 minutes. No we don't need to panic, but can anyone seriously suggest that we are even close to as good a side now as we were 6 months ago ? The ageing trio and the lost two were done deals last April, I would have liked my manager to have done more about it than he has.

I was debating whether to post this or delete it as it is all old ground, but then I thought, WTF.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 16, 2005
Same sad old gits quick to take a pop at our current regime I see, the same regime that got us into League 1 :)

I am not saying that we have the perfect set up. However we are only 7 games into the current season, so IMO it is still too early to be pushing the panic button just yet.
Chas and Dave? must be a Spurs supporter


Active member
Apr 27, 2006
South East
OK, so maybe I am a bit hard on Tis, but when you see your team crying out for a bit of width for so long and you watch as your manager signs one central midfielder after another, then you get the Toenailers going on about how we should all be so grateful to have him at all, I would ask whether we have done as much for Tis as he has for us ?
I'm not entirely disagreeing with you but on the other (glass half full) hand we finished second last year without any major additions from a team which finished respectably in the BSP the year before. I don't think we were "crying out" for anything because we got promoted and Tisdale has succeeded.

Agreewith what you are saying since pre-season though. I'm not in your "all out attack, the oppo are sh*te" brigade because IMO football is more complicated than that. Of course you think about the oppo when you pick your teams, formations and tactics.

I'm surprised at Tisdale because he always talks about players and their roles within the team. I think he dropped a ******* with the players he signed pre-season and the signing of Noone shows this IMO.

As for contacts.. Hard to say. I'll reserve judgement on everything until the end of this transitional period - maybe the end of the next transfer window.


Apr 1, 2004
How? I must have missed it
Andy Tilson was I believe appointed development coach this summer with specific responsibility to uncover and develop young talent.

angelic upstart

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 8, 2004
Maybe we don't have much of a network up North because it's difficult to attract them down to the West. That said Plymouth managed it, but they're a more attractive option as at this time they were 2 divisions above us and almost certainly would offer more money. That said I often wondered why we never got Kevin Nancekivell (spelling) he ended up rubbish at Plymouth. We never got Stanno when he was knocking 'em away for Elmore, or Kevin Hill when he was at Torrington or Exmouth. Kevin Hill actually wanted to come to City when we took Andy Cyrus for 25,000 instead.

So maybe we've never had much of a network.

angelic upstart

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 8, 2004
Andy Tilson was I believe appointed development coach this summer with specific responsibility to uncover and develop young talent.
Why is he not at reserve games when we're playing them, surely going to games to find that talent would be an important part of his job?


Active member
Apr 27, 2006
South East
Maybe we don't have much of a network up North because it's difficult to attract them down to the West. That said Plymouth managed it, but they're a more attractive option as at this time they were 2 divisions above us and almost certainly would offer more money. That said I often wondered why we never got Kevin Nancekivell (spelling) he ended up rubbish at Plymouth. We never got Stanno when he was knocking 'em away for Elmore, or Kevin Hill when he was at Torrington or Exmouth. Kevin Hill actually wanted to come to City when we took Andy Cyrus for 25,000 instead.

So maybe we've never had much of a network.
Agree with all of that but Cyrus was a) signed on a free and b) a left back not central midfielder...

angelic upstart

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jul 8, 2004
Cyrus definitely was a fee mate. At the time Kev played a sort of left mid/wing back role. He wanted less money as well.