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The Politics Thread USA Edition

Spoonz Red E

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 21, 2004
Comfortably mid-table
Biden is behaving like Jeremy Corbyn did in the autumn of 2019. Despite overwhelming evidence that his position as leader /candidate is doing his party irreparable harm and facilitating the election of a lying populist, he refuses to stand aside to let someone more capable attempt to avert disaster.
Not quite as simple as that in my opinion.
Corbyn never had party support - Biden has had it until now in a big way.

There's a whole network of State and County Democratic party workers who have been putting grass roots efforts and developing campaign networks for Biden (who got 95% of primary votes). They have to be convinced and brought safely onside for a changeover to work.

The juggling act now is broadly with these options:
  • Biden stays and the campaign falters because the optics work against him and this dominates the media narrative.
  • Biden stays and the Democratic party goes up a gear using other big hitters to spread the media focus and take on Trump more directly.
  • Biden goes and in a short time a strong successor is found with full backing of the Democratic party.
  • Biden goes and his grassroots support fractures dividing and weakening the campaign.
The chink of light is this is that it is still relatively early in terms of normal election schedules. Trump declared himself far earlier than is usual thinking this would protect him against court cases (it still might - the Supreme Court still haven't ruled on 'Presidential Immunity').

Right now there's the up front media noise about Biden, the heart on sleeve panicking and there is, no doubt, a lot of hard headed scrabbling and strategising behind the scenes. There's no easy overnight decision because of all the strings that need pulling.

One thing's for sure - they've got to start really taking the fight to Trump who has had a free pass this week but still hasn't offered anything to those outside his base.


Active member
Apr 25, 2004
Corbyn struck me as an attempt to change the status quo whereas Biden is the embodiment of the status quo. It was clear 4 years ago Biden wasn’t all there so can’t believe they’ve sleep-walked into this position

Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
Corbyn struck me as an attempt to change the status quo whereas Biden is the embodiment of the status quo. It was clear 4 years ago Biden wasn’t all there so can’t believe they’ve sleep-walked into this position
The US and Dems had their Corbyn moment with Bernie Sanders. Unlike what happened here, the Dems cheated to ensure Hilary got crowned instead.



Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
The US and Dems had their Corbyn moment with Bernie Sanders. Unlike what happened here, the Dems cheated to ensure Hilary got crowned instead.
How so? Genuine question

Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
How so? Genuine question
Links added


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
The US and Dems had their Corbyn moment with Bernie Sanders. Unlike what happened here, the Dems cheated to ensure Hilary got crowned instead.

Thank you for that, From what i read it does seem murky. As for Sanders, I see him more of a Tony Benn rather than Corbyn, I've listened to a couple of podcasts with him and he does seem a genuine chap but alas his type of politics would never be in a position to get the nomination.


Active member
Apr 25, 2004
Thank you for that, From what i read it does seem murky. As for Sanders, I see him more of a Tony Benn rather than Corbyn, I've listened to a couple of podcasts with him and he does seem a genuine chap but alas his type of politics would never be in a position to get the nomination.
I don’t know the ins and out but didn’t Biden only win the original nomination because ‘they’ (the Dem machine) were spooked by the Bernie surge? Hard to believe anyone to the left of Obama would stand a chance in a Presidential election mind you

Mr Jinx

Very well known Exeweb poster
Nov 28, 2006
I don’t know the ins and out but didn’t Biden only win the original nomination because ‘they’ (the Dem machine) were spooked by the Bernie surge? Hard to believe anyone to the left of Obama would stand a chance in a Presidential election mind you
When it came round to the Leadership contest in the run up to 2020, Bernie goose was somewhat cooked with him having a heart attack in 2019. With that in mind, and rather ironically, many thought from a health perspective at least, Biden was a safer bet. And here we are.

Bernie's big chance came in the run up to 2016. Hilary wasn't a very popular figure you could say and she had to do what she did to get the nod. A lot of Dems were up in arms - some going as far as saying they'd even vote for Trump given what she had done and encourage others to do the same.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
When it came round to the Leadership contest in the run up to 2020, Bernie goose was somewhat cooked with him having a heart attack in 2019. With that in mind, and rather ironically, many thought from a health perspective at least, Biden was a safer bet. And here we are.

Bernie's big chance came in the run up to 2016. Hilary wasn't a very popular figure you could say and she had to do what she did to get the nod. A lot of Dems were up in arms - some going as far as saying they'd even vote for Trump given what she had done and encourage others to do the same.
You could see that in Hilary's campaigning, She was happy to shmooz up to celebs etc and Trump went to speak to "Normal" US citizens, Why anyone thinks because Beyonce or Oprah endorsing Hilary is a reason to vote for her i'll never know.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
First of many?

A Texas congressman is the first sitting Democratic lawmaker to call for Joe Biden to step aside as the party's presidential nominee, after his disastrous debate performance last week.

"I am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult to decision to withdraw," Rep Lloyd Doggett said in a statement.