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The Official AFC Wimbledon vs ECFC match day thread


Very well known Exeweb poster
Sep 16, 2006
Backing Gary Caldwell, thanks Matt and good luck.
I listened on GP today, it didn't sound like the worst performance I have listened to but Wimbledon aren't the sort of side that make you think we are likely to lose if not on top form. It would obviously have been worse if we had been awful and lost three nil but they weren't in great form and don't think they had won at home since November.

I remember Keohane and O Flynn had efforts off target when it was suggested they should have hit the target or scored. Nichols had a shout for a penalty and it was apparently felt that the bloke who crocked Grimes should have been sent off and we won a number of corners. They had a few chances but it didn't sound like we were in major danger of conceding apart from the goals they scored. Having said that once again we go behind and then make the subs, and it didn't sound like we had any great chances to level the match.

At least Tisdale sounded like he realised there is a problem tonight, but its his job to get the results. Cant see today helping the crowd on Tuesday much but if anyone does feel like going will help the club if you do. Its such a tough game a point is probably a good result, so come on city put in a performance. The crowd will get behind the team if that happens but don't be surprised if the reaction is bad if it all goes wrong.

Thames Valley Red

Active member
Apr 7, 2004
South Midlands
Exactly, and I know we can't turn back the clock, but why didn't the board give him notice when we were relegated that the 2 year contract would be reduced to 6 month rolling contract? Whatever happens unless he leaves off his own back, we have to give him 2 years notice, the longer we delay that, the longer it goes on.

I do feel Tis is so tied up in his own self importance, that he can no longer see the bigger picture.

PS: Just in case AREF is reading this. Bolton fans are going mental and calling for the manager to be sacked after losing today, apparently they should have beaten Cardiff, despite Cardiff being a Prem side. Don't think you can class Bolton as a team that is expected to succeed.
Stick him on gardening leave and he would soon get bored...

Snoop Fog

Well-known Exeweb poster
Jun 29, 2007
Stick him on gardening leave and he would soon get bored...
I have a feeling he might go at the end of this season. His choice obviously.


Very well known Exeweb poster
May 5, 2009
Avoiding the Hundred
Stick him on gardening leave and he would soon get bored...
With what financial consequences though ?

I sense the employment lawyers would be sharpening their pencils.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 19, 2005
Hampshire. Heart's in N Devon
Just got home, Well the first match I've been to in a while and must say we did play well for about 70 mins, Let in two very soft goals, Missed two real sitters either side of half time and after their second one went in we just lost total momentum and whimpered till the end of the game. Also got totally soaked from a storm half way through the second half even though we were under cover. Tisdale did have a bit of a strop when someone from the crowd had a go at him and at the end of the game there was a real half hearted applause from him to the fans, Think there were over 625ish City fans there to leave disappointed. Awful defending for the goals, Very, very lightweight up front and another own goal to give us the lead. We are really up against it because going on from this performance, Playing well for a time but conceding soft goals could get us into real trouble. Something really needs to be done before its too late

Silver fox

Very well known Exeweb poster
Dec 9, 2013
Devon's Capital City.
So the same S**t as we see at every home then?

Silver fox

Very well known Exeweb poster
Dec 9, 2013
Devon's Capital City.
So the same S**t as we see at every home then?
Missed out Home before game!


Active member
Mar 24, 2013
Conceding soft goals have what we've been doing all season long and yep we are in REAL trouble.


Active member
May 22, 2007
With what financial consequences though ?

I sense the employment lawyers would be sharpening their pencils.
Well Al, based on the last two season's finishes, the consequences of not making a change now could be disastrous. Relegation would cost us £200k in academy funding, another £500k in lost match day revenue & probably another £300k in corporate/sponsorship. Meanwhile we'll still have the 2 year rolling in place (bet there is no relegation contingency clause in place), a bloated boardroom, and the torpor of The Trust. It will be another long term in the wilderness as it will takes ages to sort out the mess.

I'd do what Al Yates & St James said earlier, put him on gardening leave. If I was the Wolf, I'd offer my thanks to Steve Perryman, ask Tisdale to take over as DoF and ask Sir Rob to breathe new life into these players. It would take some balls, but it would give the club the shake up it so badly needs. Sadly I see no evidence that the new CEO has the fortitude to take charge of the situation and we keep sleep walking towards disaster.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Aug 19, 2008
Overall 2 pretty even teams, they were bigger and more powerful than us and we were better on the ball. Not a terrible performance,and no doubts there's the makings of a decent team,
grimes is quality and for me the best player on the park, missed the straight red issue but tbh they wernt nasty like wycombe and Ide give them the benefit of doubt and go with no malice, however high late and studs up ? really should be a red. lovely lovely move to leave OFFLINE FFS with **** poor technique to miss/ sky it from 7 yards!!!!! total ****** and offside for the disallowed goal , unfortunately i missed the line, but a trusted compatriot said no offside and ive questioned his eye b4 and been proved wrong so i'm going with poor decision from the lino. butterfeild is blatantly not 100 % up for the cause and gill really is not ATM effective or for me pushing himself hard enuf 2 make himself effective. Saying that seems clubs now are targeting lhs at the back, the last 3 goals and, arguably, the loss of 6 points have have ALL come from errors in areas that should have been dealt with by our left mid covering or tbh our young full bac,,, really needs sorting. But overall disappointed to lose but not to downhearted. Tisdale to go? , fraid not boys IMO managerial stability is v much a key factor for our future. saying that maybe some fresh blood/ new ideas amongst/ from our coaching staff on our defending would help.
And relegation? again a big NO way, we' ll be mid table at worst, lets get oakley back his nous/ organizational ability will be key.