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Little things that annoy you

Antony Moxey

Very well known Exeweb poster
Jun 24, 2004
I have to hold my paws up and admit that I was rat-running through T, as the traffic was so heavy on the A30.
You weren’t ’rat-running’, you were just using an alternative route to one you normally use perfectly legally, thanks to the taxes you pay for the upkeep of the roads and the VED you pay that entitles you to drive on that road network.

I hate the term rat run - it’s a perfectly good stretch of road that everyone’s entitled to use. If people don’t like traffic outside their window then go and live somewhere else.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Nov 9, 2007
If i had to agree with you we would both be wrong
You weren’t ’rat-running’, you were just using an alternative route to one you normally use perfectly legally, thanks to the taxes you pay for the upkeep of the roads and the VED you pay that entitles you to drive on that road network.

I hate the term rat run - it’s a perfectly good stretch of road that everyone’s entitled to use. If people don’t like traffic outside their window then go and live somewhere else.
Even worse now with these unwanted LTN things throughout Exeter !

Because having lived here for some 13+ years the local cycle party (Labour) decided that since there hadnt been anyone knocked off a bike that they would close the road turning right out of our road now taking over 3.5 miles to do what was before less than a mile to collect Mrs Ramone from her shopping trip at Morrisons.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 22, 2007
Far away across the field
Even worse now with these unwanted LTN things throughout Exeter !

Because having lived here for some 13+ years the local cycle party (Labour) decided that since there hadnt been anyone knocked off a bike that they would close the road turning right out of our road now taking over 3.5 miles to do what was before less than a mile to collect Mrs Ramone from her shopping trip at Morrisons.
Hopefully they will see sense at the next council meeting and scrap it.

Colesman Ballz

Very well known Exeweb poster
Dec 28, 2014
Hopefully they will see sense at the next council meeting and scrap it.
They then need to scrap other nonsensical schemes which they have inflicted on us, the stopping of through traffic on Wonford Road for starters !


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 22, 2007
Far away across the field
They then need to scrap other nonsensical schemes which they have inflicted on us, the stopping of through traffic on Wonford Road for starters !
Fat chance of that I'm afraid.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Nov 9, 2007
If i had to agree with you we would both be wrong
Hopefully they will see sense at the next council meeting and scrap it.
You mean like the cycle lane in Sweetbriar lane ? You know the one when surveyed was being used by 0.37 people per day over the course of a year AND the one that was put on the wrong side of the road causing multiple people who would normally park there to find alternative parking with no notice ! Gotcha.

Before they were put in place the council asked the public for feedback on if the LTN's were a good idea , the overwhelming majority said NO but still went ahead with the scheme.

They have divided communities, caused more tailbacks, and personally my fuel bill has gone from around £85 per week to over £120 so much for saying they are helping the enviroment by getting people to ride bikes and use public transport (which is a joke) around the City centre.

The leaders of ECC and DCC will never admit they are wrong and go back because they get people moaning about it was a waste of money in the first place.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 22, 2007
Far away across the field
You mean like the cycle lane in Sweetbriar lane ? You know the one when surveyed was being used by 0.37 people per day over the course of a year AND the one that was put on the wrong side of the road causing multiple people who would normally park there to find alternative parking with no notice ! Gotcha.

Before they were put in place the council asked the public for feedback on if the LTN's were a good idea , the overwhelming majority said NO but still went ahead with the scheme.

They have divided communities, caused more tailbacks, and personally my fuel bill has gone from around £85 per week to over £120 so much for saying they are helping the enviroment by getting people to ride bikes and use public transport (which is a joke) around the City centre.

The leaders of ECC and DCC will never admit they are wrong and go back because they get people moaning about it was a waste of money in the first place.
Sadly, all very true.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Feb 11, 2005
In RaWZ we trust....Amen.
They then need to scrap other nonsensical schemes which they have inflicted on us, the stopping of through traffic on Wonford Road for starters !
That one is nuts. As is the closure of Dryden Rd just past Wonford House Hospital.
Everything now goes down the fairly narrow in comparison Bovemoors Lane.
These measures were bizarrely put in places during the first part of the pandemic, with money being made available by a daft central government, who knew no bounds in wasting taxpayers cash.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 18, 2004
This borders on the dire, but that thread is now closed.

There is talk that a lot of young people don't know what D Day is. That's fine with me - if I were familiar with military operations sixty years before I was born I would need a working knowledge of the Boer War.

But this morning on the Broadcasting House (R4) press review they were discussing D Day. One of the reviewers was one Kate Ferguson who is, apparently, the Political Editor of The Sun on Sunday. What made D Day special, she told us, was the particular Britishness of it all, particularly all the people in small boats who went over to France..... The presenter tried to rescue the situation by insisting that by small boats she meant landing craft, but to no avail, she just ploughed on with her rhapsodic evocation of the Dunkirk evacuation. This annoyed me...

I think Kate Ferguson is probably a young person

Billy The Fish

Well-known Exeweb poster
Apr 12, 2015
This borders on the dire, but that thread is now closed.

There is talk that a lot of young people don't know what D Day is. That's fine with me - if I were familiar with military operations sixty years before I was born I would need a working knowledge of the Boer War.

But this morning on the Broadcasting House (R4) press review they were discussing D Day. One of the reviewers was one Kate Ferguson who is, apparently, the Political Editor of The Sun on Sunday. What made D Day special, she told us, was the particular Britishness of it all, particularly all the people in small boats who went over to France..... The presenter tried to rescue the situation by insisting that by small boats she meant landing craft, but to no avail, she just ploughed on with her rhapsodic evocation of the Dunkirk evacuation. This annoyed me...

I think Kate Ferguson is probably a young person
Feckin Dire