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UK and European Politics 2024 Thread


Very well known Exeweb poster
May 5, 2009
Avoiding the Hundred
That may be true. But I do think there is an ideological element to what she says.
The ideology of common sense
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May 31, 2018
Hangingstone Hill
The ideology of common sense
(y) Another good way of avoiding dialogue debate


Active member
May 31, 2018
Hangingstone Hill
Is it ideological to say " I don't believe, as you do, that Jesus is the Son of God"?
I am not religious. I went to Church as a child and 45 years later would accompany my Mother to Church. The big difference that I noticed was that the modern Church seemed to be more individual, it emphasised a personal journey. Dangerously subjective one could say.
Believing that the Earth is flat is OK if you have a particular ideology. I personally do not believe that the Earth is flat because I choose a different ideology.
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Active member
Sep 23, 2007
Looking forward....
I am not religious. I went to Church as a child and 45 years later would accompany my Mother to Church. The big difference that I noticed was that the modern Church seemed to be more individual, it emphasised a personal journey. Dangerously subjective one could say.
Believing that the Earth is flat is OK if you have a particular ideology. I personally do not believe that the Earth is flat because I choose a different ideology.
Is that an ideology that tells you the earth is not flat or knowledge?

All this maga stuff in the us flies in the face of facts and is ideological.

In fact, if idiot trump told the Republican party that the earth was flat, I am sure those brainwashed fools would believe him.


Active member
Sep 19, 2020
I am not religious. I went to Church as a child and 45 years later would accompany my Mother to Church. The big difference that I noticed was that the modern Church seemed to be more individual, it emphasised a personal journey. Dangerously subjective one could say.
Believing that the Earth is flat is OK if you have a particular ideology. I personally do not believe that the Earth is flat because I choose a different ideology.
Positivist empiricism says youre wrong. You *can* believe anything, but you shouldn't because some things are just plain wrong. The earth is demonstrably not flat, therefore you shouldn't believe that.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Mar 2, 2006
I am not religious. I went to Church as a child and 45 years later would accompany my Mother to Church. The big difference that I noticed was that the modern Church seemed to be more individual, it emphasised a personal journey. Dangerously subjective one could say.
Believing that the Earth is flat is OK if you have a particular ideology. I personally do not believe that the Earth is flat because I choose a different ideology.
I find this part difficult, The earth isn't flat, no amount of ideology changes that fact. I think it is dangerous to allow ideology to rule facts. This is what allows the Farages, Le Pen's and Trumps free rain on talking crap.

I think you could be ideological about say, allowing gay marriage to be legalised or taking place within a particular religious setting, but you cannot be ideological about the earth being flat, you either believe the fact or you don't and one part is clearly wrong or ideological about supporting City maybe, but not scientific fact.


Active member
May 31, 2018
Hangingstone Hill
Is that an ideology that tells you the earth is not flat or knowledge?

All this maga stuff in the us flies in the face of facts and is ideological.

In fact, if idiot trump told the Republican party that the earth was flat, I am sure those brainwashed fools would believe him.
What is dangerous about the MAGA thing is that they never discuss why they believe stuff, they just make assertions and politics then becomes a matter of pure power.
There are videos on youtube making fun of "flat-earthers" which make me uncomfortable. If someone wants to believe that the Earth is flat, that is there choice I do not see the harm in it. "Let 1000 flowers bloom". It is easier for me to make sense of the World if I believe that the Earth is not flat that is why I choose that belief.
The "Theory of Evolution" helps me to view and understand the World which is why I adopt it as a point of view not because I "believe" that it is true.

I see politics as about empowering people and there are a lot of "ideologies" that try and do the opposite which I try to battle against.
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Active member
Sep 19, 2020
If someone wants to believe that the Earth is flat, that is there choice I do not see the harm in it. "Let 1000 flowers bloom". It is easier for me to make sense of the World if I believe that the Earth is not flat that is why I choose that belief.
There is clear harm potential to such insane notions. Let's not forget how many people have died in the name of heliocentricity. The slippery slope to insanity is real and dangerous.

Ignorance is not an excuse for criminal behaviour, nor is it an excuse for promoting nonsense.
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Very well known Exeweb poster
Aug 23, 2004
The right do not have the monopoly on ideologies that fly in the face of facts.
Some numpties believe those living in tents in Northern France are escaping a war zone. 🤣


Active member
Sep 23, 2007
Looking forward....
What is dangerous about the MAGA thing is that they never discuss why they believe stuff, they just make assertions and politics then becomes a matter of pure power.
There are videos on youtube making fun of "flat-earthers" which make me uncomfortable. If someone wants to believe that the Earth is flat, that is there choice I do not see the harm in it. "Let 1000 flowers bloom". It is easier for me to make sense of the World if I believe that the Earth is not flat that is why I choose that belief.
The "Theory of Evolution" helps me to view and understand the World which is why I adopt it as a point of view not because I "believe" that it is true.

I see politics as about empowering people and there are a lot of "ideologies" that try and do the opposite which I try to battle against.
At what point though do beliefs become ideologies when those beliefs have been proved, like flat earthers, to be incorrect.

Just because you believe something to be true doesn't mean that it is true.

That for me is where ideologies, especially extreme ones, are dangerous and tend to be the reasons for one group of idealists fighting against another.

The war in palestine being a case in point or trump telling his supporters that he really won the last election and it being believed by gullible 'flat earth' rednecks.