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Stewart Fleetwood - Good striker

grecIAN Harris

Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
Back home in the village
Russell is a no for me and Fleetwood take it or leave it. If he's not 100% committed on coming and playing for us I'd prefer to find someone who is.
That's a bit harsh isn't it? How can he be commited to coming here when his future is out of his own hands at the moment. He still has two years worth of a contract at Charlton as things currently stand. Now it maybe that when he returns to Charlton that they will see him as ideal for their requirements next season both on the pitch and financially (something that Charlton will have to consider for next season) or he may well be surplus to requirements. Either way he Fleets won't know until he gets back to London so do pray tell finetime, how the hell can you question whether he is commited to coming to play for us?


Active member
Apr 27, 2006
South East
Either way he Fleets won't know until he gets back to London so do pray tell finetime, how the hell can you question whether he is commited to coming to play for us?
Sorry, I should have said that if Charlton wanted rid he would need to show some sort of commitment to play here. For example, his wages (from what have been suggested on here) are way in excess of what we currently pay people so he would probably have to meet us somewhere in the middle.

As you say, we've got on idea what's going to happen although I suspect Charlton would be willing to get rid. Have a look at their squad there are at least 4 strikers better than Fleetwood.


Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Je suis Larry
A Charlton supporting chum has told me that they are desperate to offload players and thinks Fleetwood could be on his way to us.

grecIAN Harris

Very well known Exeweb poster
Mar 9, 2004
Back home in the village
Sorry, I should have said that if Charlton wanted rid he would need to show some sort of commitment to play here. For example, his wages (from what have been suggested on here) are way in excess of what we currently pay people so he would probably have to meet us somewhere in the middle.

As you say, we've got on idea what's going to happen although I suspect Charlton would be willing to get rid. Have a look at their squad there are at least 4 strikers better than Fleetwood.
That said, there are probably four strikers who's wages are more than Fleetwoods. Charlton will have to cut their cloth accordingly. And those better strikers will probably want to play at a higher level if they can get it.


Well-known Exeweb poster
Aug 8, 2005
Reminds me of Darren Rowbotham but with a bit more pace.
He reminds me more of Christian Roberts but with hair!

Pete Martin (CTID)

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Here and there
From today's Echo;

Fleetwood: You might not have seen the last of me
Tuesday, May 05, 2009, 07:00

STUART Fleetwood has refused to rule out a permanent move to Exeter City.

The striker's loan spell from Charlton Athletic came to an end on Saturday following the Grecians' stunning 1-0 win over Rotherham.

And although he has got two years left on his contract at the Valley, relegated Charlton are looking to off-load players in a bid to free up some cash.

Fleetwood says he will sit down with Add*cks bosses next week in an attempt to sort out his future.


Active member
May 19, 2004
He reminds me more of Christian Roberts but with hair!
but Fleetwood tries


Active member
Apr 27, 2006
South East
That said, there are probably four strikers who's wages are more than Fleetwoods. Charlton will have to cut their cloth accordingly. And those better strikers will probably want to play at a higher level if they can get it.
Indeed they will but there wont be the fire-sale that was seen at Leeds and Southampton because they don't have much to sell!! They'll be getting crowds of 15-20,000 and they'd be able to support a better-than-average squad in L1 and as such they'll need to keep some of their better players and sell the cream to offset the debts. Shelvey will go, as will Gray.

L1 is going to be fascinating because even with their respective financial troubles clubs like Southampton, Charlton, Leeds and Norwich are absolutely light years ahead of us in terms of money.

Super Ronnie Jepson

Well-known Exeweb poster
Jan 18, 2005
From today's Echo;

Fleetwood: You might not have seen the last of me
Tuesday, May 05, 2009, 07:00

STUART Fleetwood has refused to rule out a permanent move to Exeter City.

The striker's loan spell from Charlton Athletic came to an end on Saturday following the Grecians' stunning 1-0 win over Rotherham.

And although he has got two years left on his contract at the Valley, relegated Charlton are looking to off-load players in a bid to free up some cash.

Fleetwood says he will sit down with Add*cks bosses next week in an attempt to sort out his future.
Pleeeeeease let this happen! (as long as it's on the cheap for us :D)

Pete Martin (CTID)

Very well known Exeweb poster
Apr 1, 2004
Here and there
L1 is going to be fascinating because even with their respective financial troubles clubs like Southampton, Charlton, Leeds and Norwich are absolutely light years ahead of us in terms of borrowed money.
Edited for accuracy! ;)